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MobSpirit of Shadowforge
Image of Spirit of Shadowforge
Gender Male
Race Dark Iron dwarf (Undead)
Level 35 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadowforge clan
Location The Athenaeum, Blackwing Descent
Status Killable

The Spirit of Shadowforge is one of the Dark Iron Thanes found in the Athenaeum in Blackwing Descent.

He is the spirit of Iron Thane Shadowforge, who was by all accounts a cruel despot who tortured and killed many of his own people. He is generally held to have been a warlock, but some accounts cling to the rumor that he was one of the first dwarven shaman.[1] The latter notion is supported by the spirit's use of Spell nature chainlightning [Chain Lightning].

Shadowforge's family has left a long stain on Dark Iron history.[1] They share their name with Shadowforge City, the Dark Iron capital. Inv chest cloth raidwarlock i 01 [Shadowforge's Lightbound Smock] is named after the thane.


  • Spell nature chainlightning Chain Lightning — Strikes an enemy with a blast of lightning that inflicts 27750 to 32250 Nature damage. The bolt will arc to additional nearby enemies, inflicting 50% more Nature damage to each successive target. 150 Mana 100 yd range 0.5 sec cast.
  • He uses the abilities of all Dark Iron Thanes who have been defeated before him.

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