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AllianceStand Fast
Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore
End Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 22,300
Rewards Inv radientazeritefragment [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (500x Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
46g 80s
Previous A [60] To Anglepoint
Next A [60] Zero Zeppelins & A [60] Squad Goals & A [60] Repel the Horde! & A [60] Besieged Allies & A [60] Outrigger Outfitters


Protect Jaina Proudmoore.


The Horde will pay for what it has done, but first I have to attend to the people here.

<Name>, I need to hold a portal open so the injured can evacuate to Boralus.

Keep the Horde's forces off me while the wounded get to safety. We can deal with them once the civilians are safe.


You will receive:


That's the last of the wounded.


If the attackers didn't know we were here before, they know now.


Speaking with Jaina

I knew returning home would be dangerous, but I had to take the chance. I did not expect to find healing.

Gossip I'm ready to face the Horde.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Everyone! Through the portal! Hurry!
Jaina opens a Portal to Boralus. Invading Warriors and Invading Spirit-menders attack and Taelia assists you in defeating them. a Horde Bombardier shoots at the ground. After a while, Zanda Frostsong appears.
Taelia Fordragon says: Here comes a nasty one! We'll take it down!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Work together! You and <name> can do this, Taelia!


  1. A [60] The Calm Before
  2. A [60] To Anglepoint
  3. A [60] Stand Fast
  4. A [60] Zero Zeppelins & A [60] Squad Goals & A [60] Repel the Horde! & A [60] Besieged Allies & A [60] Outrigger Outfitters
  5. A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!
  6. A [60] Shots Fired
  7. A [60] Stopping the Sappers
  8. A [60] Express Delivery
  9. A [60] War Marches On

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