Step Into the Light | |
Start | Thenios [40.1, 19.9] |
End | Polemarch Adrestes [40.0, 20.1] |
Level | 60 (Requires 60) |
Category | Chains of Domination |
Experience | 8,150 |
Reputation | +75 The Ascended |
Rewards | 25 74 |
Previous | [60] Wounded Memories |
Next | [60] He Was My Student |
Use the Soul Mirror to aid Uther in reliving his past.
- Uther's memory entered
- Kneel before Alonsus
- Ceremony attended
- Grain investigated
- Door opened
- Arthas's followers slain (10)
- Plagued Grain destroyed (6)
It is as I feared.
This fragment of Uther's soul was darkened by the mourneblade that slew him. His memories are shattered and twisted.
For Uther to move past his pain, to move past his grief, he must experience his past once again.
But he does not have to do this alone.
Using my soul mirror, we can aid Uther in walking through these memories. He can then come to terms with the emotions they contain. We must help him see past the distortions and understand the truths they hold.
You will receive:
- 25 74
- 8,150 XP
- +75 reputation with The Ascended
We can learn from this.
His memories are twisted and convoluted.
I am sorry, Uther, but we must continue.
On accept:
- Kleia says: We will not let you fall, Uther!
Interact with the Soul Mirror in front of Uther to enter a scenario inside the Alonsus Chapel of Stratholme, set prior to the Second War (though the chapel appears darkened and ruined as it does in modern-day Stratholme, hinting that something isn't right with the memory). Players are in the shoes of Uther, and have access to the following abilities:
- Crusader Strike Melee range — Strike the target for 24,585 Physical damage. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
- Holy Radiance 30 yd range — Summons an orb of radiant light, inflicting 20,898 Holy damage to enemies in front of the caster. Instant (5 sec cooldown)
- Divine Steed — Leap atop your Charger for 3 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Usable while indoors or in combat. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
Inside the chapel are Archbishop Alonsus Faol, Tirion Fordring, Gavinrad the Dire, Turalyon, and Saidan Dathrohan.
While the events of the quest occur, the present-day Uther will sometimes speak offscreen to the kyrian near him in Bastion. Confusingly, both Uther in the past and Uther in the present are named "Uther the Lightbringer". In the transcript below, Uther's quotes are marked (Past) or (Present) to distinguish between the two.
- Uther the Lightbringer says: This is... Alonsus Chapel, in Stratholme. The day I became the first of the paladins. (Present)
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: Come, Uther. Take your spot so that we may begin.
Step in the golden circle between Gavinrad and Turalyon and use the bonus ability:
- Kneel — Kneel before Archbishop Alonsus Faol. Instant.
This grants the following buff for 33 seconds, stunning Uther in place:
- Kneel — Becoming the first paladin of the Silver Hand.
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: In the Light, we gather. In its grace, our brother will be born anew.
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: Uther, do you vow to uphold the tenets of the Holy Light?
- Uther the Lightbringer says: I do. (Past)
- Polemarch Adrestes says: What are these tenets?
- Uther the Lightbringer says: The Three Virtues. Respect, tenacity... and then... (Present)
- Kleia says: And then?
- Uther the Lightbringer says: Compassion. Seeing beyond our differences, understanding our similarities. Feeling for those who suffer, even if...
- Uther the Lightbringer says: Oh, Arthas...
- Pelagos says: Wait... what is that? In the corner?
With a burst of Maw energy, a sack of Suspicious Grain pops into the corner of the chapel, and sounds of fighting can be heard from outside the chapel. Interact with the grain and Uther gets stunned by "Fugue State" for the first of several times in the questline:
- Fugue State — Overtaken by powerful memories. 5 sec duration.
- Arthas Menethil says: This entire city must be purged.
- Uther the Lightbringer yells: How... how can you even consider that? (Present)
- Kleia says: His memories are twisting together. We must help him!
- Pelagos says: No, Kleia. He must face this on his own.
Uther is now reliving the Culling of Stratholme, during the Third War. Head to the back of the chapel and open the Chapel Door:
- Arthas Menethil says: Damn it, Uther! As your future king, I order you to purge this city!
- Uther the Lightbringer says: You are not my king yet, boy. Nor would I obey that command even if you were! (Past)
- Arthas Menethil says: Then I must consider this an act of treason.
- Uther the Lightbringer says: Treason? Have you lost your mind, Arthas?
Outside, in the Elders' Square, Arthas has started his purge. Hostile Lordaeron Knights, Lordaeron Footmen, and Silver Hand Betrayers are torching the city. Numerous Stratholme Citizens are dead, or are interacting with the plagued grain. Kill the hostiles, then run up to the grain crates and use the bonus ability:
- Holy Smite 8 yd range — Call the holy Light to destroy a pile of Plagued Grain. 1.5 sec cast
Kill ten followers and destroy six plagued grain crates, and Uther's memory jumps back to the onset of the Second War as he enters another Fugue State:
- Uther the Lightbringer says: These memories... they are not one and the same. (Present)
- Uther kneels as images of Alonsus and the others close in on him.
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: Do you vow to walk in the Light and spread its wisdom?
- Polemarch Adrestes says: Your grief and regret haunt you still. As does Arthas.
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: Do you vow to vanquish evil and protect the weak and innocent?
- Uther the Lightbringer says: I... I do. (Past)
- Archbishop Alonsus Faol says: Arise, Uther, as a paladin of Lordaeron. First of the Order of the Silver Hand.
- As one, Alonsus and the others cast a holy spell on Uther.
The memory then ends automatically, depositing players back in Bastion. Turn in to Adrestes.
- [60] A Paladin's Soul
- [60] Wounded Memories
- [60] Step Into the Light
- [60] He Was My Student
- [60] I Intend to Live Forever
- [60] Blind Loyalty
- [60] Compassion in Devotion
- [60] Directing Dedication, [60] Rebuilding Faith, [60] Reclaimable Anima
- [60] The Vesper Rings
- [60] A Triumphant Return
- [60] The Grand Reception (Kyrian only)
- [60] The New Path
- [60] New Sigil of the Kyrian
Patch changes[]
- Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.