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NeutralStep One: The Priestess
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 15-30
Category Swamp of Sorrows
Experience 7,610
Rewards 80s
Previous N [15-30] Legends of the Sunken Temple
Next N [15-30] Step Two: The Bloodletter


Priestess Udum'bra

Priestess Udum'bra
The speaker of the Chamber of Blood.

Slay Priestess Udum'bra in the Chamber of Blood.


My brethren are being butchered here. It's as I thought.

I must ask your help further before I enter, <name>. In the passageway outside this room, the hallway proceeds left and right. To the right, it goes down to the Chamber of Blood. Here the Atal'ai perform their dark rituals.

They have expected and prepared for my kind for years, but not for you. Enter the Chamber of Blood and slay the Priestess Udum'bra. She is one of three foul presences here that must be vanquished before I may enter.


You will receive: 80s


Lord Itharius

Lord Itharius
The Oathstone binds us.

Good riddance. Another source of corruption in this world put to rest.

I thank you for your bravery, <name>.


Take two rights, then go down the steps to reach the Chamber of Blood. There are some Enthralled Atal'ai inside, and Udum'bra is at the far end of the room. She is level 54 warlock-type. Kill her to automatically complete the quest.


  1. N [15-30] Marshfin Madness
  2. N [15-30] The Darkest Depths
  3. N [15-30] Slithering Signs
  4. N [15-30] The Dragon and the Temple
  5. N [15-30] Pool of Tears
  6. N [15-30] Legends of the Sunken Temple
  7. N [15-30] Step One: The Priestess
  8. N [15-30] Step Two: The Bloodletter
  9. N [15-30] Step Three: Prophet
  10. N [15-30] Blessing of the Green Dragonflight
    • Itharius offers the option of starting the Sunken Temple storyline, starting with N [20-30D] The Heart of the Temple
  11. A [15-30] To Marshtide Watch / H [15-30] To Stonard (optional breadcrumb to faction-specific quests)

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