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Achievement dungeon utgardekeep
  • Stone of Wind
  • Item Level 44Disenchants into:
    Inv enchant shardradientsmall [Small Radiant Shard]: 2-4
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique-Equipped: Warlords Crafted (3)
  • Trinket
  • +7 Versatility
  • Equip: When you heal or deal damage you have a chance to increase your Strength, Agility, or Intellect by 931 for 15 sec. Your highest stat is always chosen.
    Equip: Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40%. This effect does not stack.
  • Requires Level 35
  • Requires Draenor Alchemy (1)
  • "Can be used for transmutations in place of a Philosopher's Stone."
  • Sell Price: 17g 84s 94c

Stone of Wind is created with Alchemy (1); taught by Inv misc book 06 [Tome of the Stones].

Materials required:
Inv enchant alchemycatalyst 100x [Alchemical Catalyst] Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswind tong 5x [Sorcerous Air]

As an ingredient[]


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