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HordeStrike While the Iron is Hot
Start Durotan [46.0, 70.2]VZ-GorgrondBlip
End Durotan [46.0, 70.2]VZ-GorgrondBlip
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards Item level 548 trinkets
1g 89s
Previous H [15-40] Power of the Genesaur
Next H [20-40] News from Talador
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-40] Strike While the Iron is Hot.


Speak to Grinslicer to fly to the Iron Approach and attack the Iron Horde.


With the Inv misc platnumdisks [Will of the Genesaur], we wield a powerful weapon.

Our scouts have discovered an Iron Horde base, and I believe it is time to seize an opportunity.

They amass far to the north at the Iron Approach. This will not be easy, but we must deal a blow to the Iron Horde while we possess the artifact.

We are prepared to depart at your command. Speak with Grinslicer when you are ready.


You will receive one of:

Item level 548 trinkets
Inv misc bone 03 [Goc's Trophy] Spell holy mindsooth [Genesaur's Greatness]
Inv misc armorkit 20 [Commander Gar's Iron Insignia]

You will also receive: Inv misc book 08 [Outpost Building Assembly Notes] and 1g 89s


<name>, we have dealt a great blow to the forces of the Iron Horde.


  • 14100 XP


Head to the flight master:

Even the skies can be dangerous in Gorgrond. Be on your guard.
Gossip I am needed urgently at the Iron Docks.

This begins a single-player scenario. As it can only be done once, it is documented here.

Stage 1: The Confrontation[]

Speak with Commander Gar.

Speak with Rexxar:

I'm glad you made it here safely. Are you ready?
Gossip Let's go.
Draka says: The Iron Horde have no idea how much potential lies within the artifact. Let us give them a proper demonstration, shall we?
Commander Gar says: Ahh, there it is. There's MY artifact. How foolish of me to trust Brak with something so valuable.
Commander Gar says: It's a shame that you're too late to stop me. Surrender the artifact, and I will allow you to escape with your lives.
Draka yells: We will never surrender to you! Champion, now is the time! Use the artifact!
Commander Gar says: Hahahaha, so be it! IRON HORDE, ADVANCE!

Stage 2: Harnessing the Power[]

Use the artifact to eliminate your enemies.

The bonus access button appears:

  • Accessing Primal Artifact — Instant (1 min cooldown)

Using the bonus action button will summon a primal for 30 seconds that can defeat nearly everything on the field. Once everything's dead, the next stage begins.

Stage 3: Bolstering their Forces[]

Defeat the incoming enemies using the power of the artifact.
Commander Gar yells: Gronnlings, attack!

Several waves of forces charge in. When the cooldown on the bonus action button comes up, use it again. On a timer, Gar will release some iron stars. Just like in the Garrosh Hellscream encounter, dodge them. Fortunately, there's no wall for them to run in to and explode, though.

Commander Gar yells: RELEASE THE IRON STARS!

Once the gronnlings are dead, the next stage begins.

Stage 4: The Son of Gruul[]

Defeat Goc.
Commander Gar yells: You will never withstand the might of Goc!

As before, wait for the bonus action button to come off cooldown and use it to finish the fight.

Final Stage: The Final Confrontation[]

Defeat Commander Gar.
Commander Gar says: NO! I will DIE before I let you take what is mine! YOU WILL NOT... WIN... THIS... WAR!
Gar manages to launch an artillery attack which destroys the artifact!
Draka says: The artifact! Has he gone mad?! We must restore it. We must get it to safety.
Commander Gar says: Hahaha! Not so confident now, are we?! Face me on even ground, cowards!
Draka says: With pleasure.
Draka says: Brace yourself, champion. The might of the Horde is within you. Lok'tar ogar!

Gar will still release Iron Stars on a timer, but also has his own special ability, launching a barrage of attacks from his person, attacking everything indiscriminately within 40 yards or so.

Commander Gar yells: See what weapons I have in my arsenal!

Finish him off.


Draka says: It is over, their defenses are broken. We have won this battle, but without the artifact we have far to go. Let us rally back at your Garrison, commander. We must plan our next course of attack.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
