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NeutralSuggested Reading
Start Aspirant Akimos
End Aspirant Akimos
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 8,850
Reputation +100 The Ascended
Rewards 26g 58s 83c
Previous N [50] An Eternity of Service
Next N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands


Retrieve "The Infinite Treatises", "Worlds Beyond Counting", and "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code."


Greetings. You must be the new aspirant everyone is talking about.

I thought you might like to learn more about us. There are three tomes that would serve you well as a starting point, but they are not currently in the library.

Aspirant Leda was the last to hold "Worlds Beyond Counting." Aspirant Ikaran has yet to return "The Infinite Treatises."

It seems "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code" went missing some time ago. I would search the village.

Once returned, you can read them at your leisure.


You will receive:


Did you find the scrolls I suggested?


I will see that they are returned to their proper places for everyone to enjoy.

I appreciate your help in retrieving them, and I hope they were informative.


Aspirant Ikaran
I wonder if the Forgelite will teach me how she made her weapon...
Oh, can I help you with something?
Gossip Do you have "The Infinite Treatises?"
Aspirant Ikaran says: The crafters of Bastion have had eternities to perfect this compendium... do take good care of it. It is itself a work of art.
Gossip Do you know where I can find "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code"?
No, but I heard whoever held that scroll got attacked by etherwyrms!
That could just be a rumor, though...
Gossip I see.
Aspirant Leda
Ah! You are the new arrival everyone has been talking about.
I heard you are from a world called 'Azeroth.' I hope to visit it one day!
Did you need something?
Gossip Do you have "Worlds Beyond Counting?"
Aspirant Leda says: Some day I will visit all the many worlds out there. Maybe even yours!
Gossip Do you know where I can find "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code"?
Not with any certainty, no.
Have you checked the trees in the village outskirts? I had seen aspirants reading there, before the etherwyrms moved in.
Gossip I see.

Inv inscription 80 warscroll fortitude [Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code] drops from Languishing Etherwyrms.


  1. N [51-60] The Aspirant's Crucible
    • Optional side quest: N [51-60] Suggested Reading
  2. N [51-60] A Life of Service
  3. N [51-60] A Forge Gone Cold
  4. N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms, N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Flower Power, N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions
  5. N [51-60] Light the Forge, Forgelite
  6. N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands
  7. N [51-60] The True Crucible Awaits
  8. N [51-60] Assessing Your Strength, N [51-60] Assessing Your Stamina
  9. N [51-60] Assessing Your Spirit
  10. N [51-60] The Chamber of First Reflection
  11. N [51-60] The First Cleansing
  12. N [51-60] The Archon's Answer
  13. N [51-60] All An Aspirant Can Do

Demo version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.

It was started by Scrollminder Vasi.



This one is Vasi, keeper of scrolls. She prescribes readings so you may learn our ways.

<Vasi references her ledger.>

According to our records, you will need some basic texts that are no longer in our library.

Aspirant Leda was the last to hold "Worlds Beyond Counting," Aspirant Ikaran has yet to return "The Infinite Treatises," and Aspirant Thete must still be absorbed in "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code."

We advise you to retrieve these so your study can begin.

Aspirant Thete

<She seems to be meditating>

Gossip Do you have "Bear Witness: The Watcher's Code?"
Aspirant Thete says: Are you interested in becoming a Watcher as well? I might recommend the thirty-third verse for its particular importance.

This one will put these back in their proper places. Then you may read at your leisure!

Patch changes[]

External links[]
