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AllianceSummons to Stormwind
Start Automatic
End Master Mathias Shaw
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Category Stormwind City
Experience 1,650
Rewards 1g 94s
Next A [110] Gifts of the Fallen
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar.

Summons to Stormwind begins the Wound quest chain, introducing players to Silithus: The Wound. It is offered to players after they have completed the Argus the Unmaker encounter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. It will be offered automatically immediately after logging back in.

Additionally, level 110 characters who have not defeated Argus were offered this quest the week of June 24th, 2018 after their region's typical weekly maintenance.


Meet with Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.


King Wrynn has requested that you return to Stormwind as soon as possible. There is an urgent matter that requires your attention.

I will fill you in on the details as soon as you arrive.

You will find me at Lion's Rest. Be swift... our window of opportunity may already be closing!


You will receive:

  • 1g 94s
  • 1,650 XP


At last you have arrived, <name>. The very future of the Alliance may depend on what I am about to tell you...


On accept:

Master Mathias Shaw says: <Name>, High King Wrynn requests that you rendezvous with me at Stormwind.
Master Mathias Shaw says: We've uncovered certain... sensitive information that he insists you be made aware of.
Master Mathias Shaw says: Find me at Lion's Rest. And needless to say, keep the details of this meeting between us.


Pre-8.0 breadcrumbs (no longer available):

  1. A [110] Summons to Stormwind / H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar
  2. A [110] Gifts of the Fallen / H [110] A Recent Discovery
  3. B [110] Witness to the Wound

Active quests:

  1. A [45] Free Samples / H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
  2. B [45] The Twilight Survivor
    1. B [45] Desert Research
    2. B [45] The Source of Power & B [45] Larvae By The Dozen
  3. A [45] A Recent Arrival / H [45] Khadgar's Request
  4. B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  5. B [45] The Blood of Azeroth

Pre-8.0 finale for players with Legion Artifact weapons (no longer available):

  1. B [110] The Speaker's Call
  2. N [110] The Power in Our Hands

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Removed.
  • Legion Hotfix (2018-06-26): Unlocked for all level 110 characters after weekly maintenance.
  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Added.

External links[]
