- Sunreaver Bounty
- Binds when picked up
- Requires Level 90
- <Right Click to Open>
- Sunreaver Bounty
- Binds when picked up
- Requires Level 90
- Requires Sunreaver Onslaught - Exalted
- <Right Click to Open>
The Sunreaver Bounty is a quest reward from boss-killing daily quests on the Isle of Thunder for the Sunreaver Onslaught.
[32-35 Daily] Among the Bones
[32-35 Daily] Competing Magic
[32-35 Daily] Encroaching Force
[32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!
[32-35P Daily] High Recognition
[32-35 Daily] Imposing Threat
[32-35 Daily] Raining Bones
[32-35 Daily] Zandalari on the Rise
It can also be purchased from Vasarin Redmorn on the Isle of Thunder for 15
at exalted standing.
Possible contents[]
- Roughly 25-40
[Key to the Palace of Lei Shen]
[Shado-Pan Assault Insignia]
[Shan'ze Ritual Stone]
- 1-3x
[Sunreaver Onslaught Insignia]
[Elder Charm of Good Fortune]
[Spirit of Harmony]
- 1-9x
[Mote of Harmony]
[Great Pandaren Banquet]
[Incantation of Deng]
[Incantation of Haqin]
[Incantation of Vu]
[Arcane Golem User's Guide]
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Can now be purchased with
[Elder Charm of Good Fortune].
Hotfix (2013-03-15): Reduced the higher than intended drop rates for Shado-Pan Assault Insignia from Sunreaver Bounty.
Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added.
External links[]
Quest reward | Purchased |