The Sunreaver Pavilion is located in the southeastern portion of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. It is the Horde's base of operations for the Argent Tournament, staffed by representatives of each playable race of WotLK in the Horde as well as The Sunreavers.
- Magister Edien Sunhollow <The Sunreavers>
- Amariel Sunsworn <The Sunreavers>
- Galathia Brightdawn <The Sunreavers>
- Jarin Dawnglow <Innkeeper>
- Girana the Blooded <The Sunreavers>
- Tylos Dawnrunner <The Sunreavers>
- Vasarin Redmorn <Sunreaver Quartermaster>
- Eressea Dawnsinger <Grand Champion of Silvermoon>
- Kethiel Sunlance <Master of Arms>
- Aneera Thuron <Mistress of Hawkstrider>
- Trellis Morningsun <Silvermoon Quartermaster>
- Deathstalker Visceri <Grand Champion of the Undercity>
- Sarah Chalke <Mistress of Arms>
- Handler Dretch <Master of Horses>
- Eliza Killian <Undercity Quartermaster>
- Mokra the Skullcrusher <Grand Champion of Orgrimmar>
- Akinos <Master of Arms>
- Morah Worgsister <Mistress of Wolves>
- Freka Bloodaxe <Orgrimmar Quartermaster>
- Runok Wildmane <Grand Champion of Thunder Bluff>
- Dern Ragetotem <Master of Arms>
- Anka Clawhoof <Mistress of Kodos>
- Doru Thunderhorn <Thunder Bluff Quartermaster>
- Zul'tore <Grand Champion of Sen>
- Shadow Hunter Mezil-kree <Master of Arms>
- Gahju <Master of Raptors>
- Samamba <Sen'jin Quartermaster>
- Steen Horngrass <Stable Master>
Patch changes[]
- Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Added.