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NeutralSuperior Programming
Start Hopo
End Hopo
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Reputation +100 The Ascended
Rewards Inv boot cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Treads]
or Inv boot oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Boots]
or Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 boots [Humble Aspirant's Sabatons]
or Inv boot plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Warboots]
or Inv bracer cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Wristwraps]
or Inv bracer oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Wristwraps]
or Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 bracer [Humble Aspirant's Wristwraps]
or Inv bracer plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Wristwraps]
35g 80s 20c
Previous N [51-60] We Can Rebuild Him
Next N [51-60] Tactical Formation

A fearsome larion, Leonid has been rumored to enjoy the occasional steward snack.


Kill Leonid in the Hall of Beasts.


Phalynx listen to their orders. Never disobey!

Larions are wild beasts. Can attack. Could eat a steward, probably!

Untamed larion lives close. Has chased many stewards, very scary! Please take care of it.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boot cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Treads] Inv boot oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Boots]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 boots [Humble Aspirant's Sabatons] Inv boot plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Warboots]
Inv bracer cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Pure Aspirant's Wristwraps] Inv bracer oribosquesting b 01 [Courageous Aspirant's Wristwraps]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 bracer [Humble Aspirant's Wristwraps] Inv bracer plate oribosquesting b 01 [Judicious Aspirant's Wristwraps]

You will also receive:


Wild beasts. Terrifying! No thank you! I work with very safe phalynx.


Can be at peace, no wild larion to eat me. Hoo...


  1. N [51-60] A Friendly Rivalry
  2. N [51-60] Phalynx Malfunction, N [51-60] Part of the Pride, N [51-60] Resource Drain
    • Nemea's questline:
    1. N [51-60] All Natural Chews and N [51-60] Larion at Large
    2. N [51-60] With Lance and Larion and N [51-60] Providing for the Pack
    3. N [51-60] On Larion Wings
    4. N [51-60] Success Without Soul
    • Pelodis' questline:
    1. N [51-60] We Can Rebuild Him
    2. N [51-60] Combat Drills, N [51-60] Laser Location, N [51-60] Superior Programming
    3. N [51-60] Tactical Formation
    4. N [51-60] Antiquated Methodology
  3. N [51-60] Pride or Unit

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