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Support Creche

The Support Creche

VZ-Support Creche

Area map

The Support Creche [36.7, 32.5]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip is a toxin-laden building at the western end of the Caldera of the Menders in northwestern Forbidden Reach.

As players step inside, they start choking, and a progress bar appears. To fend off blacking out (and getting teleported outside), grab some Toxin Antidote at the entrance. This provides an Extra Action Button:

Inv alchemy 70 blue Toxin Antidote — You have a Toxin Antidote to resist the gasses inside the Support Creche Buff. Lasts five minutes.
Inv misc organ 06 Toxin Antidote — Consume to reduce toxicity by a large amount. Instant. Reduces the Choking bar by 50 points (of 103) (5 sec cooldown)

The bar normally gains two points per second, but clouds in the area will trigger Pungent Gasses, causing the bar to fill significantly faster:

Ability creature disease 02 Pungent Gasses — Choking Gasses increase the toxicity of Noxious Gasses. 5 sec debuff. Increases Choking by 5 points per second

At [45.1, 14.9]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip in the northeastern room is Edict: The Healing Wings.


Patch changes[]
