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HordeSurrender or Else!
Start Megs Dreadshredder
End Megs Dreadshredder
Level 1-20
Category Lost Isles
Race IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Goblin
Experience 250
Reputation +350 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards Inv gauntlets 102v4 [Hatchling Gloves]
or Inv staff 18 [Hatchling Prodder]
or Inv gauntlets 102v4 [Hatchling Handlers]
1s 10c
Previous H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Irresistible Pool Pony
Next H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Get Back To Town


Deal with the leader of the naga at the Ruins of Vashj'elan.


<Name>, you and Ace need to march those naga hatchlings down there and use them as leverage to convince the leader of the naga to surrender to us.

Ace knows where to go on the south side of the ruins... just follow him.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv gauntlets 102v4 [Hatchling Gloves] Inv staff 18 [Hatchling Prodder]
Inv gauntlets 102v4 [Hatchling Handlers]

You will also receive:


What's wrong?


A Faceless of the Deep? What's that? That does NOT sound like a naga!

Well, you killed it, whatever it was. It doesn't matter now. We have other fish to fry....


Follow Ace down to the south end of the ruins. The naga are merely unfriendly instead of actively hostile.

Ace says: I got these little hellions on a short leash, <name>. The naga won't attack us while we have their hatchlings.
Ace says: You ready to make their leader surrender, buddy? Okay, here we go.
Ace, with a banner on his back, leads the hatchlings through the ruins while shouting any of the following.
  • Ace yells: We're planning on having a special naga appreciation sale after your surrender is all wrapped up! Thirty percent off most goods we have in stock. Red light savings on Kaldorei artifacts today only!
  • Ace yells: You naga keep your distance. We're not kidding around here!
  • Ace yells: We've got your hatchlings. You better not attack us if you know what's good for you!
  • Ace yells: Prepare to surrender to the Bilgewater Cartel!
The party reaches the southern island.
Ace yells: Alright, naga leader, come on out from hiding and surrender in the name of <name> and the Bilgewater Cartel!
A faceless one appears from below!
Faceless of the Deep yells: WHO DARES?!
Faceless of the Deep yells: Little goblins? I remember when your race was created.
Faceless of the Deep yells: I care nothing for your threats or these naga. Prepare to be removed from existence.
Ace says: Um, dude, this does not look good. I'm out of here!
Ace runs off.
Faceless of the Deep yells: Now, young <name>, you will die!
The faceless one stops hovering and attacks the player on land.


  1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] It's A Town-In-A-Box
  2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Hobart Needs You
  3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Cluster Cluck
  4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Trading Up
  5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Biggest Egg Ever
  6. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Who's Top of the Food Chain Now?
  7. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Goblin in Shark's Clothing
  8. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Invasion Imminent!
  9. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Bilgewater Cartel Represent / H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Naga Hide
  10. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Irresistible Pool Pony
  11. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Surrender or Else!
  12. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Get Back To Town

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