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HordeSurvival of the Fattest
Start Aidan Summerwind
End Aidan Summerwind
Level 15-30
Category Badlands
Experience 600
Rewards 1g 35s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Survival of the Fattest.


Obtain 6 pieces of Dustbelcher Meat and 10 sheets of Dustbelcher Silk.


We're hard-up for supplies, stranger. With the black dragons raining destruction on our hunting grounds, we have no way to get food.

The ogres to our south, however, have exactly what we need. Within their grotto you should find plenty of meat and crafting supplies.

They may put up a fight. Be on your guard.


You will receive: 1g 35s


Welcome back.


I imagine those ogres weren't too much trouble for you. Here - some coin for your troubles.


Optional breadcrumbs: A [15-30] Hero's Call: Badlands! / H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Badlands!

  1. N [15-30] Fuselight, Ho!
  2. N [15-30] To Fuselight Proper
  3. N [15-30] Easily Swayed
    • Side chain:
    1. N [15-30] When the Going Gets Tough, Cheat
    2. N [15-30] It's Goat Time, Baby
  4. N [15-30] A Strange Request
  5. N [15-30] First Sample: Wild Eggs & N [15-30] Second Sample: Whelps
  6. N [15-30] Lifting the Veil
  7. N [15-30] Third Sample: Implanted Eggs
  8. N [15-30] Rhea Revealed
  9. N [15-30] The Venerable Doctor Blam
  10. N [15-30] Troggish Troubles
  11. A [15-30] Dustwind Dig / H [15-30] Bloodwatcher Point
  12. A [15-30] All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology / H [15-30] It's Not About History, It's About Power
  13. Complete all of
  14. N [15-30] Ancient Protectors
  15. N [15-30] The Titans' Trove
  16. N [15-30] Return to Blam
  17. A [15-30] Into the Dragon's Mouth / H [15-30] New Kargath
    1. B [15-30] Down to the Scar (optional)
    2. N [15-30] The Day that Deathwing Came
    3. N [15-30] The Day that Deathwing Came: The Real Story
    4. N [15-30] The Day that Deathwing Came: What Really Happened
  18. A [15-30] The Swift, the Fierce, and the Stout / H [15-30] The Bad Dogs
  19. B [15-30] The Wrath of a Dragonflight
  20. B [15-30] Their Hunt Continues
  21. N [15-30] The Sorrow and the Fury
  22. N [15-30] The Hidden Clutch
  23. N [15-30] Rheastrasza's Gift
  24. N [15-30] Devastation
  25. N [15-30] The Egg Lives On

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