Swamp Gas occurs in Zangarmarsh. It can be harvested for [Mote of Water], by engineers using a [Zapthrottle Mote Extractor].
Some approximate locations where Swamp gas has been encountered:
- In front of (south of) the west end of the Twin Spire Ruins.
- Between the Funggor Cavern, the Bloodscale Enclave and the Darkcrest Enclave.
- Between the Ango'rosh Grounds and the Portal Clearing.
Swamp Gas has also been found regularly near Mekgineer Steamrigger in the Steamvault instance.
Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Gas clouds in Zangarmarsh now produce [Mote of Water] instead of [Mote of Life].
External links[]
Wowhead Map of known locations of Swamp Gas