- Swift Purple Gryphon
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Mount
- Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. The capabilities of this mount depend on your Riding skill and location.
- Alliance Only
- Requires Level 27
- Requires Apprentice Riding
- Sell Price: 25

Swift Purple Gryphon
The Swift Purple Gryphon can be purchased for 100 from the following vendors:
Grunda Bronzewing <Gryphon Keeper> in Hellfire Peninsula
Brunn Flamebeard <Gryphon Keeper> in Shadowmoon Valley
Durgan Thunderbeak <Gryphon Keeper> in Borean Tundra
Mei Francis <Exotic Mounts> in Dalaran
Tannec Stonebeak <Gryphon Keeper> in Stormwind City
Mount Journal[]
The Horde had dragons, we had the gryphons. We won that war. - Ilsa Blusterbrew
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Level squish: now requires level 27, down from 70. Now requires Apprentice Riding, down from Artisan Riding.
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Use description changed from "Teaches you how to summon this mount. This is a flying mount.".
Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.
External links[]
Item | Spell |