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Image of Tacha
Gender Female
Race Vulpera (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Voldunai, Dragonscale Expedition
Location Court of Zak'rajan, Vol'dun;[45.4, 46.2]VZ-Vol'dunBlip Wild Coast, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Tacha is a vulpera quest giver located on the western outskirts of the Court of Zak'rajan in Vol'dun alongside Kenzou and Omi. She claims to have sacked countless ruins across Vol'dun, from saurolisk dens to the Port of Zem'lan, and has survived because she takes her time, avoids risks, and only takes what she needs.[1] According to Omi, Tacha loves cursed idols and can turn soul-filled golem eyes into "hilarious little bombs".[2]

When an adventurer arrives at the Court of Zak'rajan, Tacha asks them to investigate the Malfunctioning Golem and discover the power source of the golems that roam the ruins.[1] After the adventurer discovers that the golems are powered by Zandalari souls, Tacha is unfazed and gives the hero a soulcatcher totem to siphon the souls off of the ruin defenders.[3] Finally, she accompanies Kenzou, Omi, and the adventurer in confronting Zak'rajan the Undying and uses the soulcatcher totem to unleash a barrage of spirits that destroy Zak'rajan's barrier. After Zak'rajan is destroyed, the vulpera trio ransack his throne room before returning to their wagon outside the ruins.[4]

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Pathfinder Tacha traveled to Orgrimmar where she was recruited into the Dragonscale Expedition. Afterward, she can be found on the zeppelin tower at the Dranosh'ar Blockade in Durotar, talking to Boss Magor. She is later seen at the Wild Coast in the Waking Shores.


During H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove
  • Ability rogue shadowstrikes Double Strike — Strikes the target with both weapons, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Inv misc gem bloodgem 02 Soulcatcher Totem — Place the soulcatcher totem.
  • Ability stealth Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.
  • Ability rogue dualweild Venomous Shiv — Stabs the target with an envenomed blade, inflicting Nature damage and additional Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



Main article: Ranishu Are Resources#Notes
Main article: Zandalari Treasure Trove#Notes


You can find a purpose for anything if you hold onto it long enough.
Dranosh'ar Blockade, Durotar

Soon we'll have a whole new world to explore!

Wild Coast, Waking Shores

<Pathfinder Tacha keeps one eye on her compass while talking.>

Dust buckets... The enchantment must've worn off. This is just pointing north!



Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ a b H [30-60] They've Got Golems
  2. ^ H [30-60] An Army's Arsenal
  3. ^ H [30-60] Siphoning Souls
  4. ^ H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove

External links[]

Normal Zandalari Treasure Trove Unused