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NeutralTactical Formation
Start Pelodis
End Pelodis
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Reputation +100 The Ascended
Rewards 35g 80s 20c
Previous N [51-60] Superior Programming, N [51-60] Laser Location, N [51-60] Combat Drills
Next N [51-60] Pride or Unit


Aid Gatamatos in taking the correct position in three formations.

  • Gatamatos retrieved
  • Line formation complete
  • V formation complete
  • Cross formation complete
  • Gatamatos returned


The principal step of our training regiment for our phalynx is formational drills. They must recall standard kyrian battle formations, and how to flow from one to the next.

Formational training is the final piece of information that Gatamatos is still missing. Please aid in retraining him.


You will receive:


A good soldier marches in order.


And with that, I believe that Gatamatos is once again functioning at standard.

Thank you for your aid.


On accept
Pelodis says: Phalynx, line formation.
Pelodis says: Let me see how your tactical knowledge is.
V formation
Pelodis says: Good. Next, V formation.
Cross formation
Pelodis says: Think you can manage one more? Cross formation.
All formations done
Pelodis says: Ah, perfect. Gatamatos seems once again tuned for combat.
Pelodis says: Please return Gatamatos to his post.
Wrong moves
Pelodis says: Wrong.


  1. N [51-60] A Friendly Rivalry
  2. N [51-60] Phalynx Malfunction, N [51-60] Part of the Pride, N [51-60] Resource Drain
    • Nemea's questline:
    1. N [51-60] All Natural Chews and N [51-60] Larion at Large
    2. N [51-60] With Lance and Larion and N [51-60] Providing for the Pack
    3. N [51-60] On Larion Wings
    4. N [51-60] Success Without Soul
    • Pelodis' questline:
    1. N [51-60] We Can Rebuild Him
    2. N [51-60] Combat Drills, N [51-60] Laser Location, N [51-60] Superior Programming
    3. N [51-60] Tactical Formation
    4. N [51-60] Antiquated Methodology
  3. N [51-60] Pride or Unit

Patch changes[]

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