- Tailored Member's Shirt
- Item Level 1
- Binds when picked up
- Shirt
- Sell Price: 30
This shirt can be purchased from guild vendors for 150.
Shay Pressler in Stormwind City
Nuri in The Exodar
Steeg Haskell in Ironforge
Velia Moonbow in Darnassus
Perry Charlton in Boralus Harbor
Goram in Orgrimmar
Kim Horn in Undercity
Larissia in Silvermoon City
Randah Songhorn in Thunder Bluff
Riha in Shattrath
Mirla Silverblaze in Dalaran
Guild Page
Guild Herald
The guild must earn the achievement [Guild Pandaria Dungeon Hero] to access the shirts.
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.