- For the Legionfall quest, see
[45] Take Out the Head....
![]() | |
Start | Sabellian [30.3, 41.0] |
End | Ebyssian [38.2, 48.5] |
Level | 70 (Requires 70) |
Category | Embers of Neltharion |
Experience | 11,900 |
Reputation | +130 Valdrakken Accord |
Rewards |
10x ![]() |
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What are Shrinekeeper Qanosh and Earthrender Ku'siva guarding?
Kill Shrinekeeper Qanosh and Earthrender Ku'siva.
- Shrinekeeper Qanosh slain [31.0, 45.7]
- Earthrender Ku'siva slain
- Disturbance investigated

Qanosh and Ku'siva
While you and Ebyssian were away, I had an epiphany.
That corrupted caldera is at the center of the Zaqali elder's slumbering prison and their war camps. Whatever is located within is the key to the Primalist's plans.
It is lightly guarded as well. Only a Primalist and a Zaqali priest. If we take them out, we can discover what I believe will be the truth behind all of this.
You will receive:
- 56
- 10x
- 11,900 XP
- +130 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
<Ebyssian looks between Sabellian and the caldera, his breath unsteady.>
What... What has Fyrakk done?

Earthrender Ku'siva
On accept:
- Sabellian says: A quick and decisive strike, and then we have access to the caldera unobserved.
- Ebyssian says: Then let us make haste before we are discovered.
- Sabellian and Ebyssian join the party.
Head south to find Ku'siva and Qanosh:
- Earthrender Ku'siva says: Fyrakk already awakened two of ya elders. He'll get to de last one. Be patient.
- Shrinekeeper Qanosh says: You speak to us of patience? We have waited centuries for our elder's freedom. Your Incarnate must fulfill the bargain!
Aggro them. Ebyssian and Sabellian will tank. Once the fight finishes, a cutscene plays:
- Sabellian, Ebyssian, and the champion are walking away from Ku'siva and Qanosh. Suddenly the earth starts shaking.
- Sabellian says: What is that? There! In the caldera.
- A great dome of lava rises from the center of the Caldera.
- Ebyssian says: Fyrakk!
- Sabellian says: He is consuming...
- Sabellian says: Shadowflame?!
- Fyrakk pops out of the lava dome.
- Fyrakk says: I smell the blood of dragons...
- Fyrakk says: Begone worms!
- Fyrakk winds up a breath attack. Sabellian instantly pops a shield in an attempt to defend himself, but it does not hold against the might of a Shadowflame-infused Incarnate.
- Sabellian says: Ahhhhhhhhhh!
- Ebyssian runs forward and shifts to dragon form to protect the champion.
- Ebyssian says: Sabellian is wounded! Champion! We must flee!
- Ebyssian runs forward to Sabellian. After a cut, Ebyssian is flying away, holding Sabellian and the champion in his claws. Fyrakk tracks Ebyssian's escape but does not fire off another attack.
- Fyrakk says: Fly away little dragons.
- Fyrakk says: I will master what your flight could not control.
After the cutscene ends, Ebyssian keeps flying east out of the caldera, then lands in a protected spot and shifts back to his visage.

Sabellian after shadowflame
Ebyssian has new gossip:
- We must save Sabellian!
Should we go get help?
- There is no time.
- Sabellian's burn is severe. The shadowflame's corruption has already begun to take root, and it will spread further with every moment that we waste.
- In the time that it would take to return to Loamm, Sabellian would already be lost to the darkness.
- We will have to help him with what we have available here.
[70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
[70] Sight Beyond Sight
[70] Legends of the Zaqali &
[70] Know Thy Enemy
[70] Take Out the Head
[70] Consequences
[70] Battlefield Triage
[70] Rushing Quality
[70] Shut Them Down &
[70] Alliance of Convenience
[70] A Scale for a Scale
[70] From Hell's Heart
[70] No Dragon Left Behind
[70] Raked Over the Coals
[70] The Endless Burning Sky
[70] In the Wake of the Ashes
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Added.