- Tales of de Loa: Akunda
- Binds when picked up
- <Right Click to Read>

Tales of de Loa: Akunda
Tales of de Loa: Akunda is a tablet lying in the central pool of Whistlebloom Oasis in Vol'dun.[42, 62] It contains a tale of the loa Akunda.
After having been interacted with, it can be found in the Hall of Chroniclers in Dazar'alor.
Akunda brings de lightning,
Akunda brings de thunder.
De faithless be afraid,
De brave be full of wonder.
Akunda brings de wind,
Akunda brings de rain.
Ya memories come flooding up,
His will can ease ya pain.
One day he hits with all de force,
De next day he be kind.
Much like Akunda's touch,
Dere be great power in his mind.
When ya courage goes astray,
When doubt be in ya heart.
Think of calm before de storm,
And Akunda do his part.
Criteria of[]
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.
External links[]
First interaction | Great Seal | Item |