Removed the following two points:
- This talent is best used with improved backstab, but presented with the choice,
[Opportunity] is a much better overall damage upgrade (20% vs 8%).
[Surprise Attacks] is (as of 2.0.6) better than Lethality, but it is possible to have up to 4 points in Lethality even with 41 points in the Combat Tree and 5 points in
Why is Suprise Attacks better than Lethality? Why is this talent best used with Improved Backstab? Explain your reasoning, provide data/facts.
User:Gankutsuou/Sig 13:35, 16 February 2007 (EST)
- I revisited the math here because it just wasn't adding up in my head. For the curious, here's my derivation. I modeled misses fairly crudely, they just reduce damage by 1/5, since you lose 12 energy on a backstab miss. Taliafears 17:26, 20 March 2007 (EDT)
bsdamage = average non-crit backstab crit = your critical strike rate miss = total miss/dodge/parry on the mob you're attacking avgbsnolethal = bsdamage * ((1 - crit - miss) + 2*crit - .2*miss) avgbslethal = bsdamage * ((1 - crit - miss) + 2.3*crit - .2*miss) lethalbonus = (1 - crit - miss + 2.3*crit - .2*miss) ------------------------------------- - 1 (1 - crit - miss + 2*crit - .2*miss) = (1 + 1.3*crit - 1.2*miss) ------------------------- - 1 (1 + crit - 1.2*miss) = (1 + 1.3*crit - 1.2*miss) (1 + crit - 1.2*miss) ------------------------- - --------------------- (1 + crit - 1.2*miss) (1 + crit - 1.2*miss) = 0.3*crit --------------- (1 + crit - 1.2*miss) assuming 5% dodge, no miss/parry = 0.3*crit --------------- (1 + crit - 1.2*.05) = 0.3*crit --------------- (.94 + crit)