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Title <Tyr's Guard>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tyr's Guard
Former affiliation(s) Blood Knights, Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Horde
Occupation Exemplar of the Tyr's Guard
Location Brackenhide Hollow, Azure Span; Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Talthis is a blood elf paladin located in Brackenhide Hollow in the Azure Span and in Thaldraszus.


Objective of[]


It's an honor to make your acquaintance, <name>! I have heard all about your exploits righting wrongs and defending against chaos, darkness, and other uncivilized behaviors.
Gossip How did you become a member of Tyr's Guard?
When I was young, I remember Silvermoon falling to the Scourge. My world was turned upside down.
Later, the city was taken back and restored. But I still wanted to protect my city--my civilization--from that chaos and carnage. The threat still yet lingered in the Dread Scar[sic]...
I looked to the Light for guidance and strength against the Scourge. I joined the Blood Knights, but then wandered to the Dragon Isles, searching for others in need of safety and protection from the Primalists' chaos.
When Travard found me, I was fighting at the Flashfrost Assault, trying to restore order there. He and Koranos assisted me and then told me of Tyr and Tyr's guard. And now I am here and all is right with the world!
Gossip I have another question.
Gossip Why are you the Exemplar of Order?
Some have had peaceful lives and may not see the value of order. But it does seem like we are often beset by forces of disorder and chaos and need more order in our lives.
I was a child when the Lich King attacked. Seeing all that disorder... it made its mark on me. I have lived to see Deathwing, the Legion invasion, the Fourth War...
Order means the sun rises every morning. Order means children grow up with their parents. I want to be part of that. I want to instill order on our disordered world and that's why I exemplify that virtue in the Tyr's Guard.
Gossip I have another question.


On click



He has a mana wyrm mount.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

  • Shade of Talthis

External links[]
