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AllianceTarget: Blood Prince Dreven
Start Shandris Feathermoon
End Shandris Feathermoon
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 7th Legion
Rewards Inv radientazeritecore [Radiant Azerite Core] (800x Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
23g 40s
Previous A [60] Meeting of the Minds
Next A [60] Operation: Cutpurse


Meet Keeshan within the Collapsed Tunnels in Nazmir.


We must kill Blood Prince Dreven and his followers. I know of the place where they intend to go. Here is the plan.

You and Keeshan will make your way to the tunnels and act as bait, lure Dreven into a false sense of security.

Myself and the sentinels will seal the entrance to trap him and his allies shortly thereafter.

Then we kill them all. I'll send word to the others to get moving.

Let's go.


You will receive:


Keeshan has recovered, and I've sent scouts to retrieve the bodies of my sentinels.

They died fighting a monster. Keeshan and I will give them the highest honors.

I'll send a report to Halford regarding what happened here. We must make the destruction of Draven our highest priority.

Thank you for all your help, <name>. We could not have done this without you.


On accept
Shandris Feathermoon says: I'll alert the others, Keeshan will meet you at the tunnels.

Speak with Keeshan:

Looks like we're the bait for a group of hungry bloodsucking elves. Ready for whatever happens next?

Gossip I'm ready to kill Dreven and his followers.

Dreven and his companions teleport it.
Blood Prince Dreven says: The Alliance. I knew you'd be too idiotic to learn your lesson from our last encounter.
Blood Prince Dreven says: How many more of your kind must I kill before you understand to stay out of our way?
Blood Prince Dreven says: Perhaps I'll make an example out of this pathetic human.
Shandris Feathermoon says: The killing ends today, Dreven.
Blood Prince Dreven says: Shandris Feathermoon, attempting an ambush? How bold.
Blood Prince Dreven says: You're going to wish you burned with Darnassus!
Marquisess dying
Blood Marquis says: Embrace death with me, night elf!
Blood Marquess says: Join me in death!
  • Sentinel Aeolyn says: Shandris, go on... without me...
  • Sentinel Aeolyn says: Shandris... you must... survive...
  • Sentinel Aeolyn says: For... my... people....
  • Sentinel Falia says: For... my... people....
  • Sentinel Falia says: Shandris, go on... without me...
  • Sentinel Falia says: Shandris... you must... survive...
  • Sentinel Lyrias says: Shandris, go on... without me...
  • Sentinel Lyrias says: Shandris... you must... survive...
  • Sentinel Lyrias says: For... my... people....
Last elf dies
Blood Prince Dreven says: I will never give in, Shandris Feathermoon. See how frail your allies are!
Dreven hits John and teleports away. John falls.
John J. Keeshan says: Augh!
Shandris Feathermoon says: Falia... Lyrias... Aeolyn... Keeshan... I swear, <name>, Dreven will pay!
John stands up.
John J. Keeshan says: <cough> Ma'am... not quite... dead yet. Looks like his power... ain't all that great... with those minions gone.
Shandris Feathermoon says: Keeshan! Praise Elune, at least someone survived this slaughter.
John J. Keeshan says: I'll be... good as new in no time... shouldn't have been me, though. Your friends shoulda survived.
Shandris Feathermoon says: Elf, human, we are all equal, Keeshan. No one of us is more valuable than the other.
Shandris Feathermoon says: <Name>, Keeshan, come. Let us return to Fort Victory... and request a proper burial for my friends.
Shandris and John walk away.

On complete:

Shandris Feathermoon says: Thank you for all your help <name>, Keeshan. I must go now and continue the hunt for Dreven. May Elune bless your way.
John J. Keeshan says: Thank you, ma'am.

This concludes the "Chasing Darkness" chapter of Alliance Achievement doublejeopardyally [Ready for War].


  1. A [60] Operation: Blood Arrow
  2. A [60] Crippling the Horde
  3. A [60] How to Kill a Dark Ranger
  4. A [60] Tortollans in Distress & A [60] The Savage Hunt
  5. A [60] Ending Areiel & A [60] One Option: Fire & A [60] They Can't Stay Here
  6. A [60] Meeting of the Minds
  7. A [60] Target: Blood Prince Dreven

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