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Image of Tattersail
Title Battle for AzerothDread-Admiral, Admiral of the Banshee's Wail,
Legion Dread-Captain, Captain of the Windrunner
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Various
Status Active

Tattersail is a Forsaken of the Windrunner Fleet.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

She first appeared as Dread-Captain Tattersail aboard The Windrunner while in Stormheim. She seemed to have replaced Captain Harker as commander of the vessel. She commanded to use the plague.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

As of the Fourth War, she is seen as Dread-Admiral Tattersail aboard the Banshee's Wail in Zuldazar. From there she ferried Horde adventurers from Zuldazar to the different regions of Kul Tiras.

When the ship went to the Great Sea, it was infiltrated by the Alliance. Tattersail and deckhands were in the middle deck, protected by Thomas Zelling's water barrier.[1]

Following the destruction of the Horde fleet, Tattersail sent the Speaker of the Horde to discover the fates of Captain Dawnsail, Captain Holgresh, and Captain Jalazko. While Dawnsail and Jalazko were discovered alive, Holgresh was found dead. After being informed of their fates, Tattersail declared it better than nothing and that it was time to go to work.[2]


  • Barbed Cutlass - The caster slashes out at their current target inflicting Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for additional Physical damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec.
  • Blunderbuss Blast - Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies in a cone 12 yds. long in front of the caster.
  • Plagued Broadside - Captian[sic] Tattersail orders the ships of the Forsaken fleet to rain plague down upon her ship. Each barrel of plague errupts upon landing inflicting Plague damage to all enemies within 3 yards of the impact.

Objective of[]



The Banshee's Wail is one of the Dark Lady's finest ships. She may not be much to look at, but she's tough and scrappy.

Her captain isn't half bad, either.


First, we escort you to Aggramar's Vault, then we meet up with Dreadwake at Skold-Ashil.

Should be smooth sailing.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
The Windrunner 98 - 110 3,294,005
Cove of Nashal 98 - 110 1,196,528
Stormheim 98 - 110 2,078,534
The Banshee's Wail 120 172,000



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Sometime following Sylvanas' abandonment of the Horde,[3] her loyalists had gained control of the Banshee's Wail.[4] How this was done is currently unknown, but it is known that the Banshee's Wail has a new captain, Deliria Dawes. It's currently unknown if Tattersail remained with the Horde and the ship was stolen from her or she remained loyal to Sylvanas and was granted a different command.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]

Preceded by:
Deathweaver Cassandra
Captain of the Banshee's Wail
Succeeded by:
Deliria Dawes