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AllianceTeach A Man To Fish.... Or Steal
Start Commander Marcus Johnson
End Commander Marcus Johnson
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Type Daily
Category Tol Barad Peninsula
Reputation +250 with Baradin's Wardens
Rewards 16g 54s 1 Tol Barad Commendation at 85
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35 Daily] Teach A Man To Fish.... Or Steal.


You must steal 22 Rustberg Seabass from Rustberg Village. The fish can be found on string stands at the docks, round back of the village. Rustberg Village is due north of base camp, on the right side.


Rustberg Village. That place is a curse and a blessing for us, <name>. I have no clue where bandits learned to fish as well as they do but I have no time to worry about that now.

I need you to head down there and steal as many of their fish reserves as possible. We have been living off scraps since we retook the island and this is our best chance at some solid food reserves.

Keep an eye out for stealthers up there, reports have told us they are prevalent inside the village walls.


Were you able to pull off the heist and get us some fish?


These fish will do nicely, <name>. Keeping the troops fed and in good condition is our number one priority and you really came through for us here.


You will receive: 16g 54s 1 Tol Barad Commendation, 250 reputation with Baradin's Wardens.


Completing this quest is an objective of Achievement zone tolbarad [Just Another Day in Tol Barad].

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