- For the Alliance version, see [Team Deathmatch].
- 10
- Team Deathmatch
- Slay all of the Alliance champions listed below.
- Criteria:
- Varigg slain
- Squallshaper Auran slain
- Anchorite Lanna slain
- Vindicator Baatul slain
- Tally Zapnabber slain
- Duskrunner Lorinas slain
- Shadeweaver Zarra slain
- Gunnolf the Ferocious slain
- Airyn Swiftfeet slain
- Lady Tamakeen slain
- "Stabby" Lottie slain
- Frostfencer Seraphi slain
- Squallshaper Bryson slain
- Archmage Tamuura slain
- Dizzy Dina slain
- Razak Ironsides slain
- Riftblade Kelain slain
- Fenrae the Cunning slain
- Raul the Tenacious slain
- Brother Bruen slain
Team Deathmatch is a Island Expeditions achievement earned for completing killing all of the Alliance champions during the Island Expeditions.
Here it is a list of the three NPCs that would be together.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Airyn Swiftfeet, Lady Tamakeen, and Brother Bruen added.
- Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.