- Technique: Crimson Combatant's Emblem
- Use: Teaches you how to craft Crimson Combatant's Emblem.
- Crimson Combatant's Emblem
- Item Level 330
- Binds when equipped
- Unique-Equipped
- Trinket
- +203 Agility / Strength / Intellect
- Use: Increases maximum health by 55375 for 15 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)
- Gladiator's Distinction (1/2 pieces)
- (2) Set: Increases PvP Resilience by 5280.
- Requires Level 70
- Sell Price: 1
- Awakened Ire (2), Chilled Rune, Flourishing Ink (3)
- Requires Dragon Isles Inscription (35)
- Sell Price: 1
Technique: Crimson Combatant's Emblem is sold by Fieldmaster Emberath for 3 and Korganar Smolderforge in Gladiator's Refuge in Valdrakken for 3
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.