- Technique: Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Teaches you how to craft a Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon.
- Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon
- Minor Glyph
- Use: Permanently teaches you this glyph.
Each time you shapeshift into a Flight Form, your shapeshifted form will be randomly selected. - Classes: Druid
- Requires Level 11
- Sell Price: 1
- Light Parchment, Crimson Ink (10), Ultramarine Ink (30)
- Requires Level 40
- Requires Kul Tiran Inscription / Zandalari Inscription (1)
- Sell Price: 2
Technique: Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon can be purchased for 35 from Roko on the outskirts of Freehold in Tiragarde Sound. It teaches a scribe how to craft
[Glyph of the Aerial Chameleon].
- Roko does not sell this item in Boralus.
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Added.