The following NPCs can be found in Teldrassil.
- Alyissia <Warrior Trainer>
- [3] Learning New Techniques
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] Learning New Techniques
- Athridas Bearmantle
- [1-30] A Troubling Breeze
- [1-30] The Relics of Wakening
- [1-30] Ursal the Mauler
- [1-30] The Relics of Wakening
- [1-30] A Troubling Breeze
- Ayanna Everstride <Hunter Trainer>
- [3] A Woodsman's Training
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] A Woodsman's Training
- Bountiful Table Hostess (Pilgrim's Bounty)
- Corithras Moonrage
- Costumed Orphan Matron (Hallow's End)
- Fire Brigade Practice (Hallow's End)
- [1-70 Daily] Stop the Fires! (Hallow's End)
- [1-30] Home of the Kaldorei
- Fire Brigade Practice (Hallow's End)
- Denalan
- [1-30] Timberling Seeds
- [1-30] Rellian Greenspyre
- [1-30] Timberling Sprouts
- [1-30] Oakenscowl
- [1-30] Planting the Heart
- [1-30] Timberling Seeds
- Dentaria Silverglade <Priestess of the Moon>
- [1-10] Iverron's Antidote
- [1-10] The Woodland Protector
- [1-10] Teldrassil: Crown of Azeroth
- [1-10] Precious Waters
- [1-10] Teldrassil: Crown of Azeroth
- [1-10] The Woodland Protector
- [1-10] Iverron's Antidote
- Fidelio <Hippogryph Master>
- [1-30] To Darnassus
- Frahun Shadewhisper <Rogue Trainer>
- [3] A Rogue's Advantage
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] A Rogue's Advantage
- Gaerolas Talvethren
- [1-30] Gnarlpine Corruption
- Ilthalaine
- [1-10] The Balance of Nature
- [1-10] Fel Moss Corruption
- [1-10] A Favor for Melithar
- [1-10] Fel Moss Corruption
- [3] Encrypted Sigil
- [3] Etched Sigil
- [3] Forbidden Sigil
- [3] Hallowed Sigil
- [3] Simple Sigil
- [3] Verdant Sigil
- [1-10] The Balance of Nature
- Krennan Aranas
- [1-30] The Howling Oak
- Mardant Strongoak <Druid Trainer>
- [3] Moonfire
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] Moonfire
- Melithar Staghelm
- [1-10] Demonic Thieves
- [3] Encrypted Sigil
- [3] Etched Sigil
- [3] Forbidden Sigil
- [3] Hallowed Sigil
- [3] Simple Sigil
- [3] Verdant Sigil
- Mist
- [1-30] Mist
- Moon Priestess Amara
- [1-30] The Road to Darnassus
- Moss-Twined Heart
- [1-30] The Moss-twined Heart
- Nyoma <Cooking Supplies>
- [1-30] Reminders of Home
- Oben Rageclaw
- [1-30] The Sleeping Druid
- [1-30] Druid of the Claw
- [1-30] The Sleeping Druid
- Porthannius
- [1-30] Dolanaar Delivery
- Priestess A'moora
- [1-30] Tears of the Moon
- Rellian Greenspyre
- [1-30] Mossy Tumors
- Rhyanda <Mage Trainer>
- [3] Arcane Missiles
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] Arcane Missiles
- Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak
- [1-30] The Enchanted Glade
- Sentinel Kyra Starsong
- [1-30] Resident Danger
- Shanda <Priest Trainer>
- [3] Healing for the Wounded
- [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
- [3] Healing for the Wounded
- Strange Fronded Plant
- [1-30] The Shimmering Frond
- Strange Fruited Plant
- [1-30] The Glowing Fruit
- Syral Bladeleaf
- [1-30] Seek Redemption!
- [1-30] Nature's Reprisal
- [1-30] Elixirs for the Bladeleafs (Alchemy)
- [1-30] Denalan's Earth
- Tallonkai Swiftroot
- [1-30] The Emerald Dreamcatcher
- [1-30] Ferocitas the Dream Eater
- [1-30] Twisted Hatred
- [1-30] The Emerald Dreamcatcher
- Tarindrella
- [1-10] Webwood Corruption
- [1-10] Vile Touch
- [1-10] Signs of Things to Come
- [1-10] Vile Touch
- [1-30] The Vengeance of Elune
- [1-30] The Waters of Teldrassil
- [1-10] Webwood Corruption
- Tenaron Stormgrip
- Zenn Foulhoof
- [1-30] Zenn's Bidding
Class Trainers[]
- Dazalar <Hunter Trainer>
- Ayanna Everstride <Hunter Trainer>
- Keldas <Pet Trainer>
- Ayanna Everstride <Hunter Trainer>
- Irriende <Mage Trainer>
- Rhyanda <Mage Trainer>
- Jannok Breezesong <Rogue Trainer>
- Frahun Shadewhisper <Rogue Trainer>
- Kal <Druid Trainer>
- Mardant Strongoak <Druid Trainer>
- Kyra Windblade <Warrior Trainer>
- Alyissia <Warrior Trainer>
- Laurna Morninglight <Priest Trainer>
- Shanda <Priest Trainer>
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers[]
- Alanna Raveneye <Enchanting Trainer>
- Androl Oakhand <Fishing Trainer>
- Byancie <First Aid Trainer>
- Cyndra Kindwhisper <Alchemy Trainer>
- Iranis Shadebloom <Profession Trainer>
- Malorne Bladeleaf <Herbalism Trainer>
- Nadyia Maneweaver <Leatherworking Trainer>
- Radnaal Maneweaver <Skinning Trainer>
- Zarrin <Cooking Trainer>
- Aldia <General Supplies>
- Andiss <Armorer & Shieldcrafter>
- Brannol Eaglemoon <Clothier>
- Danlyia <Food & Drink Vendor>
- Dellylah <Food & Drink Vendor>
- Draelan <Enchanting Supplies>
- Engineer Brightbuckle <The Bravery>
- Freja Nightwing <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Galley Chief Gathers <The Bravery>
- Galley Chief Halumvorea <Elune's Blessing>
- Innkeeper Keldamyr <Innkeeper>
- Janna Brightmoon <Clothier>
- Jeena Featherbow <Bowyer>
- Keina <Bowyer>
- Khardan Proudblade <Weaponsmith>
- Lyrai <General Supplies>
- Merchant Frostwalker <Elune's Blessing>
- Meri Ironweave <Armorer & Shieldcrafter>
- Narret Shadowgrove <Trade Supplies>
- Nessa Shadowsong <Fishing Supplies>
- Nyoma <Cooking Supplies>
- Shalomon <Weaponsmith>
- Sinda <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Chapman <Day of the Dead Vendor> (Day of the Dead)
Various Services[]
- Innkeeper Keldamyr <Innkeeper>
- Fidelio <Hippogryph Master>
- Seriadne <Stable Master>
- Teldrassil Sentinel - (Directions)
- Vesprystus <Hippogryph Master>
Other Notable NPCs[]
- Captain Angelina Soluna <The Bravery>
- Captain Galind Windsword <Elune's Blessing>
- Citarre Mapleheart
- Daryn Lightwind <Cenarion Lore Keeper>
- Dirania Silvershine
- Doranel Amberleaf
- Erelas Ambersky
- First Mate Wavesinger <The Bravery>
- Gilshalan Windwalker
- Huntress Nhemai
- Huntress Yaeliura
- Iverron
- Mariner Farseeker <Elune's Blessing>
- Mariner Frostnight <Elune's Blessing>
- Mariner Keenstar <Elune's Blessing>
- Mariner Stillglider <Elune's Blessing>
- Melarith
- Moriana Dawnlight
- Navigator Landerson <The Bravery>
- Orenthil Whisperwind
- Sailor Fairfolk <The Bravery>
- Sailor Stoneheel <The Bravery>
- Sailor Wills <The Bravery>
- Sentinel Brightgrass
- Sentinel Shaya
- Sentinel Winterdew
- Spirit of Sathrah
- Agal (Rare)
- Blackmoss the Fetid (Rare)
- Bough of Corruption <Remnant of Xavius>
- Duskstalker (Rare)
- Ferocitas the Dream Eater
- Fury Shelda (Rare)
- Githyiss the Vile
- Greenpaw
- Grimmaw (Rare)
- Lady Sathrah
- Lord Melenas
- Oakenscowl
- Rageclaw
- Sethir the Ancient
- Threggil (Rare)
- Ursal the Mauler
- Uruson (Rare)