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NeutralTeleport This!
Start Nether-Stalker Nauthis
End Nether-Stalker Nauthis
Level 25-30
Category Netherstorm
Experience 15400 EXP (or 9g 24s at level 70)

Inv offhand draenei a 02 [Imbued Draenethyst Crystal] Inv staff 30 [Runed Silver Staff] Inv axe 18 [Saboteur's Axe]

Inv weapon shortblade 12 [Nether-Stalker's Blade]
Previous N [25-30] The Best Defense


Nether-Stalker Nauthis wants you to use the Inv staff 10 [Mental Interference Rod] on the Mo'arg at Forge Base: Gehenna and use their Detonate Teleporter ability on the three teleporters in the forge camp.

  • Western Teleporter Destroyed
  • Central Teleporter Destroyed
  • Eastern Teleporter Destroyed
  • Inv staff 10 [Mental Interference Rod] (Provided)


As fun as killing demons might be, it does us little good when the Legion can keep using its teleporters to replace anything we kill.

Unfortunately, I don't have any high-powered explosives handy... but the mo'arg that maintain the teleporters do.

Take this rod... I've tuned its powers to interfere with mo'arg brain frequencies. Return to Forge Base: Gehenna and use it on any mo'arg you see. You won't have long, but you'll be able to use their demolition charges on the nearby teleporters.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv offhand draenei a 02 [Imbued Draenethyst Crystal] Inv staff 30 [Runed Silver Staff]
Inv axe 18 [Saboteur's Axe] Inv weapon shortblade 12 [Nether-Stalker's Blade]

You will also get:


Is it done then? Are the teleporters shut down?


Thanks to you, <name>, I'll breathe a little easier. Figure of speech, of course!

I suppose you'll want some form of reward now.


The range for Inv staff 10 [Mental Interference Rod] is not very far. Stand rather close to the teleporter when you start mind-controlling a mo'arg so that you don't walk the demon out of the rod's control range.


  1. N [25-30] Fel Reavers, No Thanks!
  2. N [25-30] The Best Defense
  3. N [25-30] Teleport This!

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