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NeutralTest Your Mettle
Start Louison
End Louison
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 7,200
Reputation +135 the Undying Army
Rewards 36g 50s 40c
Previous N [53-60] Stuff We All Get & N [53-60] Team Spirit
Next N [53-60] This Thing of Ours


Valuator Malus and Tester Sahaari defeated.


Many of the greatest Maldraxxi legends earned their fame fighting in the Theater of Pain.

If you want to follow in their footsteps, you need to prove you have what it takes to survive in there.

Defeat Valuator Malus and Tester Sahaari in combat. Let's see what you can do!


You will receive:


Earn the right to proceed!


You've proven yourself worthy! I'll see if we can get you into a fight soon!


Talk to Malus

There's but one way to prove you are worthy to fight in this arena.

Defeat me, <name>.

Gossip Very well. Let us fight.

Valuator Malus says: Let's see what you are made of.
Valuator Malus says: <Name>, perhaps you are ready for the arena!
Valuator Malus says: Enough! I deem you worthy.
Talk to Sahaari

Prove you are worthy to fight where so many legends, like myself, have fought before.

Defeat me in combat!

Gossip Very well. Let us fight.

Tester Sahaari says: I hope your skill equals your confidence.
Tester Sahaari yells: You are smart enough to determine your foe's weaknesses.
Tester Sahaari says: You will be a worthy and fierce competitor in the arena.


  1. Optional breadcrumb N [53-60] I Could Be A Contender
  2. Complete both:
    1. N [53-60] Stuff We All Get & N [53-60] Team Spirit
    2. N [53-60] Test Your Mettle
    1. N [53-60] Juicing Up
    2. N [53-60] Side Effects
    3. N [60D] Theater of Pain: Help Wanted (optional)
  3. N [53-60] This Thing of Ours
  4. N [53-60] Leave Me a Loan
  5. N [53-60] Working for the Living
  6. N [53-60] A Sure Bet
  7. N [53-60G5] The Ladder

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Many of the greatest legends of Maldraxxus earned their fame fighting in the Theater of Pain.

If you want to follow in their footsteps you will need to prove you are skilled enough to survive.

It's time to prove yourself. Defeat Valuator Malus and Tester Sahaari in combat.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
