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Start | Harleen Chirpsnide |
End | Harleen Chirpsnide |
Level | 68-70 |
Category | Thaldraszus |
Experience | 10,250 |
Reputation | +400 Dragonscale Expedition |
Rewards |
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The reclusive Matriarch of the Screechflight harpies! Will you satisfy her voracious appetite with a Chirpsnide explosive, or your own flesh?
Slay the Screechflight Matriarch.
- Put on your NEW disguise
- Dunk the "egg" in the stew
- Take Chirpsnide's One-Way Taxi Up
- Place the "egg" on the Matriarch's Egg Bowl
- Stay in character
- Slay the Matriarch
- Report to Harleen
- Use Auto-Glider (Optional)
- Im-PECK-able Screechflight Disguise v2 (provided)
Our prototype worked! Excellent!
Now it's time for the main course. This time, YOU are the chef.
With some necessary adjustments, you'll suit up in your disguise again. Then you'll take our masterpiece EGG-splosive, dunk it in this rancid stew here, head up to the Matriarch's cave, plate it for her, and glide back down with the blasts detonating behind you!
If all things go as planned, she'll be toast. Because of the explosion. Which will burn her to toasty bits.
You will receive:
- 55
- 10,250 XP
- +400 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
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[Professor Chirpsnide's Im-PECK-able Harpy Disguise] | ![]() |
[Highland Drake: Spined Cheek] |
Careful with that chef's hat. It's bound to be a collector's item one day!
Things didn't go exactly to plan, but no good Goblin scheme ever does! Nice work!
There will still be Screechflight here, but they'll be easier to cull without their Matriarch organizing their efforts. And the Bluefeathers will actually have a chance to survive.
Harpies and dragons aren't that different. Forgetting their attempted mass digestion of the cliffside, they're akin to a civilization of their own. Maybe there's a peaceful brood out there?
Oh, and keep the disguise. Looks good on you.
- Upon accept
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: Try on your new disguise. I upgraded it to look like our big chef-friend here.
- Disguise used
- Segallia says: The professor's masterpiece EGG-splosive is finally ready! Dunk it in this gross stew to attract the Matriarch.
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: Segallia, is the Chirpsnide One-Way Taxi prepped for use?
- Segallia says: Ready and waiting just outside to take <name> to the Matriarch's Cave at top speeds!
- Segallia says: I've also packed you an extra Chirpsnide Auto-Glider in case you need it for the ride down!
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: Then you're all set for danger, <name>. Hitch a ride to the cave and explode the head off this feathered-snake!
Dunk the egg in the Simmering Bluefeather Chunk Stew, then use the rocket outside the cave to fly to the Matriarch's cave above. Head inside and place the egg in the Matriarch's Egg Bowl.
- Matriarch Avethyra yells: I smell my Chef's signature concoction! Excellent! I'm famished!
- Matriarch Avethyra says: These rocs have made me stronger with every meal! I'll be soon ready for our next prey: The dragons!!
- Matriarch Avethyra says: We shall all ascend, becoming greater than any dragonflight! FOR WE ARE THE SCREECHFLIGHT!
- Matriarch Avethyra says: Fry-Aerie, you've helped me become the harpy I've always believed I could be. Mother would be so proud of us!
- Matriarch Avethyra says: TIME TO DIG IN!
- Matriarch Avethyra says: Wait... What's that ticking sound?
- Matriarch Avethyra says: HEY! You inside the egg! Pipe down and prepare to be eaten!
- The egg explodes, and the disguise wears off.
- Matriarch Avethyra yells: ARRGGHH! WHAT IS THIS? YOU AREN'T MY CHEF!!
Kill the matriarch. On death she says:
- Matriarch Avethyra says: Would Aviana... have been proud?
To dracthyr, she instead says:
- Matriarch Avethyra says: Our dreams... We wanted to become... one of you...
Outside the cave, The Chirpsnide Auto-Glider extra action button becomes available. Use it to glide down to where Harleen, Segalia, and a Full-Winged Peckinator are waiting.
- Upon completion
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: Welp! Yet another exciting adventure for the hero ornithologist, Harleen Chirpsnide! But I must be off now!
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: An assistant? I live more harrowing adventures than this one with my morning Kaja'Coffee! There's no room for the weak-winged in ornithology!
- Segallia says: The rest of Azeroth awoke while we were asleep for thousands of years! If harpies can desire more, then any Dracthyr can too!
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: That... is a great point! I deem you an assistant ornithologist! Now, grab my bags and lets hit the skies!
- Segallia says: Yes, Professor! Thank you, Professor!!
- Harleen Chirpsnide says: Now give me a moment to figure out how to make the Peckinator a two-seater...
- Segallia steps out.
- Segallia yells: I'M AN ORNITHOLOGIST!!
- Segallia yells: ME! A REAL ORNITHOLOGIST!!
- Segallia yells: GET READY, BIRDS!!
- Segallia returns back.
- Segallia says: Okay. Now I'm ready.
Completing the quest also awards "The Screetchflight Scramble" criterion of [Sojourner of Thaldraszus].
[68-70] Lost to the Skies /
[68-70] Out of the Blue (mutual breadcrumbs)
[68-70] Flying Rocs &
[68-70] Smash 'Em to Feathereens
[68-70] Plucking Parts,
[68-70] A Roc-ing Appetite,
[68-70] Explosive Excrement &
[68-70] Rolling in the Screech
[68-70] A Nest of Our Own,
[68-70] It's Plucking Time &
[68-70] Separating the Yolk
[68-70] Screechflight Potluck
[68-70] The Awaited Egg-splosion
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.