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AllianceThe Blood of Azeroth
Start Magni Bronzebeard [42.5, 44.2]VZ-Silithus: The WoundBlip
End Nolan Speed [69.4, 17.7]VZ-Silithus: The WoundBlip
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [45] The Speaker's Perspective
Next A [110] The Speaker's Call (with an Artifact pre-Patch 8.0.1)
A [110] A Short-Lived Peace (Post-Patch 8.0.1)
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [45] The Blood of Azeroth.


Deliver Magni Bronzebeard's message.


Do the leaders of the Alliance and Horde even know what they're fightin' over?

This substance that is risin' up from the wound is the lifeblood of Azeroth!

We need ta heal the wound, not exploit it fer power! Azeroth is the only home we've got. We cannot allow her ta die!

I trust ye, <name>, and I know that yer voice carries great weight among the Alliance. Ye must reason with 'em ta stop this madness!

'Tis the only hope our world has...


You will receive: 19g 40s


The blood of Azeroth? I'll make sure this news reaches Stormwind, but I must continue the operation until I am ordered otherwise.



On completion
Nolan Speed says: I think we've got the situation in Silithus under control. SI:7 can take the operation from here. Thanks again, <name>.


Pre-8.0 breadcrumbs (no longer available):

  1. A [110] Summons to Stormwind / H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar
  2. A [110] Gifts of the Fallen / H [110] A Recent Discovery
  3. B [110] Witness to the Wound

Active quests:

  1. A [45] Free Samples / H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
  2. B [45] The Twilight Survivor
    1. B [45] Desert Research
    2. B [45] The Source of Power & B [45] Larvae By The Dozen
  3. A [45] A Recent Arrival / H [45] Khadgar's Request
  4. B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  5. B [45] The Blood of Azeroth

Pre-8.0 finale for players with Legion Artifact weapons (no longer available):

  1. B [110] The Speaker's Call
  2. N [110] The Power in Our Hands

Patch changes[]

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