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The Bravery

The Bravery docked at Rut'theran Village


The Bravery leaving the port of Auberdine before the Cataclysm.

The Bravery was an Alliance crewed vessel offering transportation between Stormwind Harbor and Rut'theran Village near Darnassus. On departure from Stormwind, passengers who remain on deck were treated to sweeping vistas of Stormwind City, the harbor and lighthouse. In the lower cabin, Galley Chief Gathers offered food and drink, and Engineer Brightbuckle offered a variety of supplies and repair services. Approaching Rut'theran Village, one could get a sense of the enormity of Teldrassil. Passengers bound for Darnassus would proceed up the hill from the dock and pass through the portal tree. For a more leisurely transfer to Darnassus (flight time approximately two minutes) with panoramic views of the Veiled Sea and Teldrassil, as well as for destinations beyond Teldrassil in greater Kalimdor, travelers would speak to Hippogryph Master Vesprystus near the portal tree. Elune's Blessing sailed for the Exodar from a dock across the meadow to your left as you deboarded. Passengers continuing on to Dolanaar could speak to Vesprystus, or step through the portal tree and speak to Hippogryph Master Leora in Darnassus, just to the left as they exited the portal.

Passengers departing Rut'theran Village for Stormwind or other destinations in the Eastern Kingdoms would meet The Bravery directly down the hill from the portal tree and flight point. (The dock to the left as you descend was not in service at the time.) Connecting passengers arriving on Elune's Blessing from Azuremyst Isle would proceed across the meadow and then to the right upon reaching the path that descended from the portal tree.

The ship used to provide transportation from Menethil Harbor in the Eastern Kingdoms to Auberdine in Kalimdor. However, When Stormwind got its own harbor during Wrath of the Lich King, the ship was rerouted to run directly between Stormwind Harbor and Auberdine. With the Cataclysm destroying Auberdine, it was again rerouted to run between Stormwind Harbor and Rut'theran Village.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After the Burning of Teldrassil the Bravery was removed from service as it went under repairs. A portal to Darkshore took its place in Stormwind,[1] while The Relentless began docking where it used to.

A portal from the dock in Rut'theran to Stormwind is provided for level 1-109 players, and players level 110 or above that have spoken to Zidormi in Darkshore to travel to the past.



Notes and trivia[]

  • The ship and captain may be a reference/tribute to the band The Bravery. The captain's name, Angelina Soluna, is derived from their second album, The Sun and the Moon (in Spanish, el sol y la luna), and its ninth track, "Angelina".
  • All members of the crew, except the night elves, wear green clothes, possibly indicating a Kul Tiran origin.

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Removed.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Now goes to Rut'theran Village instead of Auberdine.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14):
    • The Bravery's route has changed from Menethil Harbor to Stormwind Harbor.
    • The crew has returned.
  • Bc icon Hotfix (2007-12-06): The vendors on the Boats and Zeppelins throughout Azeroth have run out stock and shut up shop, they are no longer able to service you with their wares.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Boats that carry players are now populated with NPC crews, some of which are vendors. The boats also now rock side-to-side while moving.
  • WoW Icon update Hotfix (2005-04-22): The boat between Menethil and Auberdine has returned to normal operation.
  • WoW Icon update Hotfix (2005-01-21): Today's maintenance removed the boat that traveled from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine from the realms listed below. Two new NPCs, Captain Placeholder in Menethil Harbor and Captain Noteo in Auberdine, have been placed on the docks where players used to board this boat. Both NPCs are marked with a yellow exclamation point over hovering over their heads (the same exclamation point used to let players know that an NPC has an available quest for them). Opening a dialog with these NPCs will allow players to travel between the two cities.

