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Start | Captain Glovaal |
End | Humphrey Digsong |
Level | 30-35 (Requires 30) |
Category | Abyssal Depths |
Experience | 2750 |
Reputation | +10 Alliance |
Rewards |
78![]() |
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- For the Horde version of this quest, see
[30-35] Orako.
Report to Humphrey Digsong at Underlight Chasm in Vashj'ir.
Private <name>, at attention! Ve are havink a small problem!
Ve have sent Humphrey and Oskar Digsong out to Underlight Chasm, to the northvest, but they are not comink back. They vere supposed to scout out the area, but ve have lost all contact with them.
Your assignment, Private <name>, is to locate our comrades and, if they live, bring them back to me!
Of course we haven't returned yet! We've had our fair share of setbacks... not the least of which was the passing of my dear brother Oskar.
<Humphrey sniffles loudly.>
He lost his grip and floated away, the poor lad! He thought he'd grab some fish to bring back to the captain, but he floated off, and was eaten by one o' those.. those great-eels! Bwaaah ha ha haaah!
Exit the cave, go up and over Korthun's End to the northeast, then down into Underlight. Head north to find Humphrey Digsong trapped, upside down, with his hand stuck in a giant clamshell. Humphrey's gossip is hilarious:
- Ah! Umm... hello there. I was just inspecting this shell here. Carry on! Nothing to see here!
Why are you upside-down?
- I seem to be having a... floating problem.
Why is that?
- I couldn't tell ya. Maybe I've got a low bone density, or a larger-than-average lung capacity. Maybe it's all that cheese I had for lunch.
- Either way, this shell is the only thing that's keeping me from rocketing to the surface.
- Aye, and it runs in the family. The Digsongs have always had buoyancy issues, I'm afraid.
How did you get all the way down here, then?
- Hand over hand, <lad/lass>... hand over aching hand. I can't tell ya how many gallons of seawater went right up my nose.
- You shoulda seen me fight off that pyreshell crab using my feet and my teeth, though! 'Twas a thing of glory, 'twas.
Sounds impressive.
- I remember when I was just a wee little lad... the other boys would swim down to the bottom of Loch Modan and pick up sand dollars and seashells. Oskar and I were stuck on the lake's surface, kicking our legs uselessly into the air, but we couldn't join them.
That's too bad. Anyhow...
- I can't even remember how many times I've spotted a beautiful mining vein at the bottom of a lake or river, glimmering mockingly at me. I'm forced to float orelessly by, mining pick in hand, only to watch some blasted orc or blood elf swim down to the bottom and take it away from me.
I really need to get going now.
- Ya have no idea what it's like to be stuck down here in Vashj'ir like this! Do ya know how many fish have confused me for a piece of seaweed, nibbling on my toes and hiding between pieces of my armor?
- That tickling alone is enough to drive a dwarf mad!
- I can tall ya don't want to hear my grumbling. That's fine.
- Just don't forget how lucky you are, with your "sea legs" and your "ability to swim in a direction other than up".
[30-35] Full Circle (optional)
[30-35] Bio-Fuel /
[30-35] Environmental Awareness
- Side quest:
[30-35] Claim Korthun's End /
[30-35] Secure Seabrush
- Side quest:
[30-35] Fuel-ology 101 /
[30-35] The Perfect Fuel
[30-35] The Brothers Digsong /
[30-35] Orako
[30-35] Phosphora Hunting /
[30-35] "Glow-Juice"
- Complete all of:
[30-35] A Lure /
[30-35] Here Fishie Fishie
[30-35] Coldlights Out /
[30-35] Die Fishman Die
- Alliance side chain:
[30-35] Enormous Eel Egg &
[30-35] The Brothers Digsong 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo
- Horde side chain:
[30-35] I Brought You This Egg &
[30-35] Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo
[30-35] One Last Favor /
[30-35] Orako's Report
[30-35] Those Aren't Masks
[30-35] Treasure Reclamation,
[30-35] Sira'kess Slaying,
[30-35] A Standard Day for Azrajar
[30-35] Put It On
[30-35] Promontory Point
[30-35] Scalding Shrooms /
[30-35] Into the Totem
- Side quest:
[30-35] Clearing the Defiled
- Side chain:
[30-35] The Wavespeaker (optional) &
[30-35] Free Wil'hai
- Side quest:
[30-35] ... It Will Come
[30-35] Unplug L'ghorek
[30-35] Fiends from the Netherworld
[30-35] Communing with the Ancient
[30-35] Runestones of Binding /
[30-35] Ascend No More!
[30-35] Prisoners
[30-35] Twilight Extermination
[30-35] All that Rises
[30-35] Back to Darkbreak Cove /
[30-35] Back to the Tenebrous Cavern
[30-35] Defending the Rift
Back on the ships, [30-35] The War Has Many Fronts will send players back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
Patch changes[]
Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.