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HordeThe Butcher of Bladespire
The Butcher of Bladespire
Dorogg and some attackers
Start Thrall [70.6, 78.6]VZ-Bladespire Fortress-s1Blip / [30.1, 40.4]VZ-Frostfire RidgeBlip
End Thrall [70.6, 78.6]VZ-Bladespire Fortress-s1Blip / [30.1, 40.4]VZ-Frostfire RidgeBlip
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13850
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards Item level 510 gloves
11g 80s
Previous H [10-40] Great Balls of Fire!
Next H [10-40] To the Slaughter, H [10-40] Armed and Dangerous


Dorogg the Ruthless

Dorogg the Ruthless
Bladespire Butcher

Slay Dorogg the Ruthless.


After Ga'nar advanced into the fortress, the Bladespire unleashed a giant creature on our forces.

I am still weak after using my magic, but at least I can help this orc in her recovery.

Help take Dorogg down, <name>.


You will receive one of:

Item level 510 gloves
Inv glove cloth draenorquest90 b 01 [Frostwolf Wind-Talker Gloves] Inv glove leather draenorquest90 b 01 [Frostwolf Scout's Gloves]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01glove [Frostwolf Ringmail Gauntlets] Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01glove [Frostwolf Stalwart Gauntlets]

You will also receive:




This room shook when the monster fell. Your deeds shall not go unremembered.


On accept:

Ligra the Unyielding says: Show Dorogg no mercy. Lok'tar ogar.

Head up the ramp to the northwest to find Dorogg in combat with a squad of Frostwolf orcs. Join the fight and more orcs, including Durotan, join in with a selection of random yells:

  • Durotan yells: Press the attack!
  • Durotan yells: The Frostwolves will triumph!
  • Durotan yells: The fortress will fall.
  • Durotan yells: Do not give up!
  • Durotan yells: Gather your strength!

Finish Dorogg off:

Durotan yells: Dorogg has fallen! Stay close, Frostwolves - the citadel is not yet ours.

Turn back in to Thrall.


  1. H [10-40] Den of Wolves
  2. H [10-40] Rally the Frostwolves
  3. H [10-40] Gormaul Tower
  4. H [10-40] These Colors Don't Run
  5. H [10-40] Deeds Left Undone
  6. H [10-40] Great Balls of Fire!
  7. H [10-40] The Butcher of Bladespire
  8. H [10-40] To the Slaughter & H [10-40] Armed and Dangerous
  9. H [10-40] Last Steps

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