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VenthyrThe Court
Start Prince Renathal
End Prince Renathal
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Venthyr Campaign
Experience 4,100
Rewards Inv bracer cloth revendreth d 01 [Soulbreaker's Ebony Wraps]
Inv bracer leather revendreth d 01 [Ebony Death Shroud Bindings]
Inv bracer mail revendreth d 01 [Fearstalker's Ebony Bracers]
Inv bracer plate revendreth d 01 [Dread Sentinel's Ebony Vambraces]
Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
12g 87s
Previous N [60] Harvester of Desire, N [60] Harvester of Envy, N [60] Harvester of Wrath
Next N [60] Medallion of Desire, N [60] Kindred Spirits


Witness the Court of Harvesters gathering.


Well, we have quorum. You have done all you can do for us at this stage, Maw Walker.

It falls to me, now, to convince these ancient fools to forsake the greatest patron in all of their reality and throw their lot in with me, a failed rebel with a "new" plan.

Let us see if I can still sway a crowd, as it were. Wish me luck.


You will receive:

You will receive one from:
Inv bracer cloth revendreth d 01 [Soulbreaker's Ebony Wraps] Inv bracer leather revendreth d 01 [Ebony Death Shroud Bindings]
Inv bracer mail revendreth d 01 [Fearstalker's Ebony Bracers] Inv bracer plate revendreth d 01 [Dread Sentinel's Ebony Vambraces]


Well, that could have gone better. I did not expect them to come around right away, but I had hoped at least one or two of them might.

Now we must do it the hard way. We should leave before they send forces to re-capture this tower.


A cutscene plays. Renathal stands at the center of the courtyard and addresses the gathered crowd, flanked by General Draven, a stoneborn, and The Curator. Facing him are the adventurer, the The Tithelord, The Accuser, The Countess, and The Stonewright.
Prince Renathal says: With the medallions combined, we can seize control of Revendreth!
The Tithelord begins talking over Renathal and points accusingly.
The Tithelord says: You mean YOU could seize control. These are merely the ravings of a selfish prince desperate to reclaim his glory!
Renathal and the Tithelord step forward and stare each other in the eyes.
Prince Renathal says: The bargain between Denathrius and the Jailer will leave us all to be consumed by the Maw!
Prince Renathal says: I want our ways to survive. If that makes me selfish, I would hope you are all selfish as well.
The Stonewright says: None of your grand words matter. You cannot defeat both the Jailer and the Master.
The Stonewright says: I will not subject my stoneborn children to further suffering.
The Stoneright angrily walks away.
The Tithelord says: I've heard enough. This usurper demands our medallions but offers nothing.
The Tithelord floats away in a huff.
The Countess says: Why Renathal, if only you had shown such passion ages ago! I find it positively enthralling.
The Countess says: But I must agree with the others. You lack... leverage.
The Countess slowly walks away.


  1. N [60] Common Ground & N [60] The Princeguard
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N [60] The Court

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