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NeutralThe Crown of Wills
Crown of Wills
The Crown of Wills
Start The Primus
End Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 12,250
Rewards 77g 22s
Previous N [60] Forge of Domination
Next N [60] Reality's Doorstep (optional)
N [60] Something Wonderful

The Crown of Wills concludes "Crown of Wills", the namesake fifth chapter of the Zereth Mortis campaign. The next chapter, "A Means to an End", begins with N [60] Something Wonderful.


Reforge the Helm of Domination.


When I created Domination, I did not foresee how much pain it would cause the realms. Not only the Shadowlands, but yours as well.

It is time we take this helm, this symbol of that magic, and reforge it anew. But, not for the same purpose it once had.

Let it represent the strength of will that you and your kind possess, so that it may help us overcome and defeat Zovaal at last.


You will receive:


There is no going back.


This is a power unlike any I have felt before. We have made something new.

It will be our key to defeating Zovaal.


On accept:

The Primus says: It is time to remake what has been broken.

The pillar of light in front of the Primus begins burning with blue energy, with outlines for the helm pieces within it. Interact with the four shards and carry them over to their place. Just like in N [50] Through the Shattered Sky, the player is greatly slowed down when carrying a shard.

Inv knife 1h pvpdraenors1 d 02 Carrying Shard — Carrying a shard of the Helm of Domination, slowing movement speed.

After placing the first shard:

Thrall says: What is to stop this new helm from being used to enslave others?
The Primus says: It is to become something greater. An instrument of free will.
Sylvanas Windrunner says: Never again will a Lich King reign in Icecrown.

After placing all four, interact with them to place the broken half of the helm and trigger a cutscene.

The Maw Walker places the last helm piece in the pillar of light and steps back. The Primus summons energy in his hand and slams his staff into the ground, causing the pillar of light to change into the golden energy of the First Ones and causing the rune circle under him to begin rotating. The helm pieces continue swirling together as the Primus summons the three Inscrutable Phrases and infuses them into the helm.
The Primus says: Imbued with the strength of those who defied Domination.
He gathers more First One magic in his hand.
The Primus says: That which sought to bind us will be made anew.
The pieces assemble into a complete helm and the Primus slams the energy in his hand into the helm, triggering a blinding burst of power. Everyone else in the room flinches away. When they look again, the Helm of Domination has been transformed into a golden crown, which floats down and comes to a stop in front of the Maw Walker.
The Primus says: Behold, the Crown of Wills.

On the other side, interact with the Crown of Wills to begin casting "Resist Domination". The player immediately starts glowing yellow. A runic sphere of yellow magic appears around the Crown of Wills and steadily grows as the cast continues, infusing each of the gathered people with the same yellow glow as it passes through them and eventually growing to envelop the entire party.

Spell progenitor areadenial Resist Domination — Becoming resistant to Domination.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: With this reforging, our wills are our own.
Taelia Fordragon says: For the future.
Baine Bloodhoof says: For the Shadowlands.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: For Azeroth.
The Primus says: This will be the end of Zovaal.

Completing this quest awards the "Crown of Wills" criterion of Inv progenitorgeode red [Secrets of the First Ones]. On completion, the Primus summons a small orb to contain the Crown.

The Primus says: I will keep the Crown close until it is needed again. Focus your efforts on Zovaal's defeat.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: We will finish this.

Bolvar offers N [60] Reality's Doorstep, an optional breadcrumb back to Haven.


  1. N [60] The Broken Crown
  2. N [60] Our Last Option
  3. N [60] Hello, Darkness
  4. N [60] Elder Eru and N [60] Testing One Two
  5. N [60] Cryptic Catalogue
  6. N [60] The Not-Scientific Method
  7. N [60] Two Paths to Tread
  8. N [60] One Half of the Equation
  9. N [60] Oppress and Destroy and N [60] Aggressive Excavation
  10. N [60] Where the Memory Resides
  11. N [60] What We Wish to Forget
  12. N [60] What Makes Us Strong
  13. N [60] What We Overcome
  14. N [60] Forge of Domination
  15. N [60] The Crown of Wills
  16. N [60] Reality's Doorstep (optional)

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