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HordeThe Denouncement
Start High Executor Wroth
End High Executor Wroth
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 25690 (or 9g 24s compensation at level 80)
Reputation +350 The Hand of Vengeance
Rewards You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Inv chest cloth 42 [Robe of Calcified Tears] or Inv pants leather 04 [Torturer's Fleshwoven Leggings] or Inv bracer 17 [Paingiver Wristguards] or Inv boots plate 08 [Sabatons of the Enforcer]
10g 60s
Previous H [15-30] The Rod of Compulsion


High Executor Wroth at Venomspite has tasked you with using the Inv mace 1h stratholme d 02 [Rod of Compulsion] on Commander Jordan, Lead Cannoneer Zierhut, Blacksmith Goodman, and Stable Master Mercer.

Once the rod has been used on them, kill each to exact a denouncement of the Scarlet Onslaught as their final words.

  • Commander Jordan's denouncement & death
  • Lead Cannoneer Zierhut's denouncement & death
  • Blacksmith Goodman's denouncement & death
  • Stable Master Mercer's denouncement & death
  • Inv mace 1h stratholme d 02 [Rod of Compulsion] (provided)


It's time for us to utterly demoralize the Onslaught forces!

I want you to take the rod and use it on four of their leaders: Commander Jordan upstairs at the barracks, Lead Cannoneer Zierhut down the southeast ramp overlooking the beach, Blacksmith Goodman at the smithy, and Stable Master Mercer at the stables.

Place them under the rod's compulsion, concentrate on making them denounce the Onslaught, and then kill them!


<You think you see just the hint of a smile cross Wroth's face before quickly disappearing.>

You're now my favorite <class>, <name>. If you have a mind to, I'd like you to think about joining up as an officer in the Hand of Vengeance.

We can start you out as a deathguard, and in a few decades I think you have what it takes to make junior executor!

No? Well don't be too hasty... take your time and mull it over.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 42 [Robe of Calcified Tears] Inv pants leather 04 [Torturer's Fleshwoven Leggings]
Inv bracer 17 [Paingiver Wristguards] Inv boots plate 08 [Sabatons of the Enforcer]

You will also receive:


The denouncements:

  • Blacksmith Goodman yells: You are being misled! The Onslaught is all lies! The Scourge and the Forsaken are not our enemies! Wake up!
  • Commander Jordan yells: High General Abbendis personally told me that it was a mistake to come north and that we're doomed! I urge you all to lay down your weapons and leave before it's too late!
  • Stable Master Mercer yells: Abbendis is nothing but a harlot and Grand Admiral Westwind is selling her cheap like he sold us out!
  • Lead Cannoneer Zierhut yells: Renounce the Scarlet Onslaught! Don't listen to the lies of the high general and the grand admiral any longer!


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