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NeutralThe Desert Fox
Start Commander Schnottz [24.5, 64.2]VZ-UldumBlip
End Commander Schnottz [24.5, 64.2]VZ-UldumBlip
Level 30-35
Category Uldum
Experience 43900
Rewards 8g 60s
Previous N [30-35] Eastern Hospitality
Next N [30-35] Idolatry, N [30-35] Angered Spirits, N [30-35] Fashionism


Schnottz wants you to bring him the Desert Fox.


Zhere is much to be done in zhis region, <race>.

Ve bozh haf a burning passion for zhe ancient technologies here, do ve not?

Perhaps zhere is a vay for us to vork togezher?

Let us put zhe misunderstandinks of zhe past behind us zhen, hmm?

Now, zhere is an elusive animal in zhe region to zhe east zhat I have been huntink. Brink me zhis creature as a token of your sincerity, hmm?

Zhen maybe I let you in on my operation...


You will receive: 8g 60s


Have you captured zhe Desert Fox, <class>?


You've done it, <class>!

Perhaps I can trust you vizh more serious matters, hmm?


Pick up N [30-35] A Favor for the Furrier before heading out.

Schnottz's gossip text offering this quest:

So, zhis is the <race> <class> I've heard so much about, hmm?
As you know, zhere is vone obelisk zhat has yet to be activated...
Ven zhe time comes to restore zhis ancient mechanism, vhill you be zhere? Vill history remember you?
Zhat depends on your villingness to cooperate!

Fly east past the Ruins of Ammon to the Cradle of the Ancients. The Desert Fox is a friendly level 83 fox idly running around. Fly up to it and catch it. Also kill a Diseased Vulture to start N [30-35] Dirty Birds.

The item created by clicking on the mob is Ability druid catformattack [The Desert Fox]. The actual mob does not have "the" in its name. If you're having trouble finding him, try using "/target desert fox".


  1. N [30-35] Eastern Hospitality
  2. N [30-35] A Favor for the Furrier / N [30-35] The Desert Fox
  3. N [30-35] Idolatry / N [30-35] Angered Spirits / N [30-35] Fashionism
  4. N [30-35] Gobbles!
  5. N [30-35] Make Yourself Useful
  6. N [30-35] Crisis Management
  7. N [30-35] Battlezone
  8. N [30-35] Missed Me By Zhat Much!
  9. Complete all of:
  10. N [30-35] Firing Squad

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