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NeutralThe Fate of Kanrethad
Start Jubeka Shadowbreaker
End Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Warlock Campaign
Class Warlock Warlock
Experience 20,560
Rewards 38g 80s
Previous N Warlock [45] To the Broken Shore
Next N Warlock [45] Crystal Containment


Use the Fel Crystals to siphon fel energy from Kanrethad.


I can feel his presence, Netherlord! Kanrethad is here! His followers have set up camp in the nearby pass, and are performing the ritual to bring him back as we speak.

Quickly, take the fel crystals. Arrange them in a circle around Kanrethad.

If placed correctly, the crystals should link together and begin to siphon the fel energy.

Now go, before it's too late!


You will receive:

  • 38g 80s
  • 20,560 XP


We cannot allow the Burning Legion to take control of Kanrethad.


I have lived with a heavy heart since the day I fulfilled my promise to banish Kanrethad. I never thought I'd live to see the day he would be returned to us.

I thank you, Netherlord. You have lifted the burden of guilt from my shoulders, and in doing so, prevented the Legion from gaining control of one of our own.


Placing a crystal will cause Devoted Occultists to spawn, so it's recommended that you deal with them first before moving on to the next crystal.

Crystals placed
Dark Summoner Rezara yells: Do not let them siphon his power!
The warlock adventurer deals with Rezara while the fel crystals finish siphoning the fel energies from Kanrethad.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker yells: Netherlord, you've done it! Kanrethad has returned to us.
Kanrethad collapses, now changed back to his original human form.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: Is he alive?


  1. N Warlock [45] Answers Unknown
  2. N Warlock [45] Cult Culling & N Warlock [45] Stealing the Source of Power
  3. N Warlock [45] Expending Fel Energy
  4. N Warlock [45] Informing the Council
  5. N Warlock [45] To the Broken Shore
  6. N Warlock [45] The Fate of Kanrethad
  7. N Warlock [45] Crystal Containment
  8. N Warlock [45] Champion: Kanrethad Ebonlocke

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