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NeutralThe Flow of Time
Start Nozdormu [61.4, 39.1]VZ-ValdrakkenBlip
End Chromie [57.5, 78.9]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 76s 20c
Previous N [68-70] Reporting In
Next N [68-70] Temporal Difficulties

The Flow of Time begins the "Time Management" chapter of the Thaldraszus storyline.


Travel to the Shifting Sands and speak with Chromie.

  • Speak with Chromie


The threads of time flow like a river, with many bends and branches. Occasionally, those flows can be changed. However, any anomaly left unresolved may doom our destiny to a false timeline.

We are quickly approaching one of those anomalies. I have sent Chronormu to the Shifting Sands to investigate and correct any issues to the one true timeline.

I foresee that your assistance will be invaluable.

Please lend us your aid and meet with Chronormu.


You will receive:

  • 2g 76s 20c
  • 1,300 XP


Did Nozdormu send help?


Hello! ... again? I think?



Nozdormu says: I require a moment of your time, hero. I promise it shall not be wasted.

Speak with Chromie:

Oh! It's you again! Or is it the first time?
Anyway, hello!
Gossip Nozdormu sent me to help.
Chromie says: Thank goodness you're here, <name>. The timeways are in chaos! We'll need as much help as we can get to fix 'em.
Chromie says: An Infinite Dragon is trying to corrupt our Bronze Oathstone in the Temporal Conflux. That stone embodies our calling to protect all time.
Chromie says: If corrupted, anything could happen! Including... oh no! Murozond!
Chromie says: We can't let that Infinite turn Nozdormu into his awful, dark, alternate self. I'm going to go try and hold her off, you help Dante sort things out down here!

On complete:

Chromie says: There's nothing the Timewalkers can't fix!
Andantenormu says: Except, some of our ranks are missing.


  1. N [68-70] The Flow of Time
  2. N [68-70] Temporal Difficulties
  3. N [68-70] Haven't Got Time For the Pain
  4. N [68-70] Time is Running Out & N [68-70] Time in a Bottle
  5. N [68-70] Feels Like the First Time
  6. N [68-70] Times Like These & N [68-70] If We Could Turn Back Time
  7. N [68-70] Closing Time
  8. N [68-70] Catching Up to Chromie
  9. N [68-70] Time-Locked Timewalkers, N [68-70] Cracks in Time, & N [68-70] Quelling Causalities
  10. N [68-70] The Once and Future Team
  11. N [68-70] The Never-Final Countdown

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