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HordeThe Great Bank Heist
Start Sassy Hardwrench[56.4, 76.9]VZ-KezanBlip
End Sassy Hardwrench[56.4, 76.9]VZ-KezanBlip
Level 1-20
Category Kezan
Race IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Goblin
Experience 200
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards Inv mace 121 [First Bank Knocker]
or Inv boots leather 10v3 [Tasseled Shoes]
or Inv gauntlets 105v4 [Vault Cracker Gloves]
or Inv boots leather 10v3 [Vault Cracker Boots]

Inv misc bag 10 black [Bank Robber's Bag]
Previous H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Bazillion Macaroons?!
Next H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] 447


Crack your vault at the First Bank of Kezan to retrieve your Personal Riches.


All of your assets have been frozen and the First Bank of Kezan is out of business!

You need an awful lot of moolah, boss. I think you're going to have to go break your own money out of the bank! The different widgets in your Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt should be enough to crack the vault.

I just hope that you've been saving for a rainy day like I always told you to. You might have noticed... it's raining hot liquid magma!!!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv mace 121 [First Bank Knocker] Inv boots leather 10v3 [Tasseled Shoes]
Inv gauntlets 105v4 [Vault Cracker Gloves] Inv boots leather 10v3 [Vault Cracker Boots]

You will also receive:


Did you get it? Did you crack the safe and get your personal riches out of the bank?


Hey, you have been saving! I'm so proud of you!

<Sassy counts all of your macaroons.>

Um, boss... this isn't nearly enough.


Pick up H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20G] Liberate the Kaja'mite, H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Robbing Hoods and H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Waltz Right In before leaving KTC Headquarters.

On accept:

Sassy Hardwrench says: <Name>, you have to hurry and break your moolah out of the bank!

Head back to the bank, hopefully running over a bunch of looters along the way, and right-click on any of the vaults. The vehicle UI appears with five actions:

  1. Inv misc enggizmos 20 Amazing G-Ray — Ping the vault locking mechanism using the invasive and dangerous Amazing Grapplehammer-Ray device contained in your Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt.
  2. Inv misc bomb 07 Blastcrackers — Open your Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt and plant the Blastcracker explosives on the vault door in order to blow it open. *No Dud Guarantee!
  3. Inv misc ear nightelf 02 Ear-O-Scope — Extend the Ear-O-Scope artificial ear from the Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt against the vault door to listen to the lock tumblers. Real Troll ear included!
  4. Inv misc enggizmos swissarmy Infinifold Lockpick — Try to jimmy the vault door with one of the Infinifold Lockpicks that can be found in your Goblin All-In-1-Der Bet. Of course, with this many lockpicks, it might take a while to find the right one.
  5. Inv weapon shortblade 21 Kaja'mite Drill — Break the Kaja'mite Drill out of your Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt to bore through the vault door's locking mechanism. Kaja'mite: accept no substitutes!

On preparing to break into the vault:

You are breaking into your vault to retrieve your Personal Riches!
Use what is called for in your Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt below to crack open the vault!
The vault will be cracked open once the Vault Breaking progress bar reaches 100 percent!
Doing the wrong thing at the wrong time will reduce the progress of the bar.
Good luck!
Use your <ability name>!
  • Timed out! (fail)
  • Correct! (success)
Success! You have your Personal Riches!

Players have five seconds to use the prompted gadget. Each correct use awards 10%, 5% fades every few seconds, incorrect use drops 10%.

On success:

Success! You have your Personal Riches!


  1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Taking Care of Business
  2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Trouble in the Mines / H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Good Help is Hard to Find
  3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Kaja'Cola
  4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Megs in Marketing
  5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Rolling with my Homies
  6. Three-way quest fork:
    1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Report for Tryouts
    2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Replacements
    3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Necessary Roughness
    4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Fourth and Goal
    5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Give Sassy the News
  7. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life of the Party
  8. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Pirate Party Crashers
  9. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Uninvited Guest
  10. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Bazillion Macaroons?!
  11. Four-way quest fork:
  12. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] 447
  13. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life Savings

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