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AllianceThe Hills Have Us
Start Gryphon Commander Urik
End Lieutenant Dumont
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 5150
Reputation +25 Valiance Expedition
Previous A [15-30] Return to the High Commander
Next A [15-30] Local Support


Report to Lieutenant Dumont at Amberpine Lodge in western Grizzly Hills.


While we focus to hold our ground at Wintergarde and deal with the unfolding events of the Wrathgate, battalions from as far away as Westfall battle their way through the dense foliage and inhospitable denizens of Grizzly Hills. All in hopes of finding an alternate route into Icecrown.

Lieutenant Dumont, stationed at Amberpine Lodge, has enlisted the aid of able bodied citizens willing to risk life and limb in the uncharted wilds. Will you rise to meet this challenge?


You will receive:


You were almost shot down, eh? Savage monsters - those Horde.

Payback will come for what they've done. You can count on at least that much, <class>.

Now, it's time to put you to work.


Accepting this quest will immediately put you on a Wintergarde Gryphon controlled by a Wintergarde Gryphon Rider, who sets off east to Grizzly Hills.

Wintergarde Gryphon Rider says: I'll have you at Amberpine Lodge in no time, ally! We just have to make one brief stop first...
Wintergarde Gryphon Rider says: We're gonna do a quick fly by Conquest Hold to see what those filthy, no good, Horde are up to. Keep your eyes peeled for their wind riders. Not that they'd ever catch me!

Above Conquest Hold:

Wintergarde Gryphon Rider says: What in the name of Bronzebeard is goin' on here? Look at this place! I think...
Three Conquest Hold Windragers spawn and begin pursuing the gryphon!
Conquest Hold Windrager yells: [Orcish] RAGATH'A NO'BU KIL KIL
Wintergarde Gryphon Rider says: Uh-oh. We've got company! HOLD ON TIGHT! I'm gonna try and lose 'em!

The gryphon quickly flies northeast to Amberpine Lodge, and the windragers soon despawn. Upon reaching the lodge, the player is dropped off from the gryphon and parachutes to the ground while the gryphon rider flies off and disappears.

Wintergarde Gryphon Rider says: I think we lost 'em! That was a close one! Welp, as promised, Amberpine Lodge in one piece. Keep your feet on the ground, friend!

Head into the lodge and talk to Lieutenant Dumont to turn in.


  1. A [15-30] The Hills Have Us (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Local Support
  3. A [15-30] Close the Deal
  4. A [15-30] A Tentative Pact
  5. A [15-30] An Exercise in Diplomacy
  6. A [15-30] Wolfsbane Root and A [15-30] Northern Hospitality
  7. A [15-30] Test of Mettle
  8. A [15-30] Words of Warning
  9. A [15-30] Escape from Silverbrook
  10. A [15-30] A Swift Response
  11. A [15-30] Descent into Darkness
    Makes available the alliance version of the Ursoc quest chain starting with A [15-30] The Failed World Tree and A [15-30] A Dark Influence.
  12. A [15-30] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle... Again
  13. A [15-30] Hollowstone Mine
  14. A [15-30] Souls at Unrest
  15. A [15-30] A Name from the Past
  16. A [15-30] Ruuna the Blind

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