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HordeThe Horde Is Family
Start Thrall
End Thrall
Level 15-35
Category Pandaren Campaign
Experience 236000
Reputation +350 Dominance Offensive
+250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 19g 84s 50c
Previous H [15-35] Find Thrall!
Next H [15-35] De-Subjugation


Escort Thrall to the Echo Isles.

  • Escort Thrall


This hearthstone was part of a conversation Vol'jin and I shared a long time ago.

He believes his people are in danger. I don't know what all has transpired in my absence, but I can at least do this for my friend.

Come, <name>, travel with me to the Echo Isles. We must make sure that the Darkspear are safe.


You will receive: 19g 84s 50c


Vol'jin has saved my life many times in the past. To see my own Kor'kron used against his people cuts deeper than I can put into words.



Thrall says: Aggra, I should not be long. The Darkspear are a strong people and I doubt they have much need of my assistance.
Aggra says: Take as long as you need, Go'el. If Vol'jin believes his people are in danger then you had best aid them as you can.
Thrall says: Very well my beloved. Come friend, let us ride to the home of the Darkspear.
Thrall says: I remember when Vol'jin and I first came to this land. The Horde was just an idea then. A hope. We needed one another.
Thrall says: We made our home in this desert, and named it after my father Durotan, Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan.
Thrall says: The land was harsh. Time and again it was Vol'jin and his people who ensured the Horde's survival, saving us from starvation, or taking up arms when we were attacked.
Thrall says: Trolls and orcs have fought together. Died together. We are family. And family looks after its own.

Kor'kron Soulbreaker says: Halt! This city is under Martial Law. Declare yourselves.
Thrall says: Have I been away so long that you have forgotten who I am?
Kor'kron Soulbreaker says: Thrall, we no longer answer to you. We have a new Warchief now. And he has reminded us that we are STRONG!
Thrall says: These are our Allies! You watch over them like they're a threat. Why? You WILL answer to me!
Kor'kron Soulbreaker says: No! Never again!


  1. Neutral:
    1. H [15-35] Meet the Scout
    2. H [15-35] The Might of the Warchief
    3. H [15-35] Domination Point
    4. H [15-35] Dagger in the Dark
  2. Friendly 950/6,000:
    1. H [15-35] Rise Of An Empire
    2. H [15-35] Buried Secrets
    3. H [15-35] Voice of the Gods
  3. Friendly 4,900/6,000:
    1. H [15-35] Someone You Should See
    2. H [15-35] Regeneration Takes Time
    3. H [15-35] Find Thrall!
    4. H [15-35] The Horde Is Family
    5. H [15-35] De-Subjugation
  4. Honored 2,850/12,000:
    1. H [15-35] To Mogujia
    2. H [15-35] Bloodlines, H [15-35] Ancient Guardians, H [15-35] The Korune
  5. Honored 6,800/12,000:
    1. H [15-35] To the Valley!
    2. H [15-35] Legacy of the Korune, H [15-35] Clearing a Path
    3. H [15-35] Trapping the Leader
  6. Honored 10,750/12,000:
    1. H [15-35] Echoes of Thunder
    2. H [15-35] A Gathering Storm
  7. Revered 2,700/21,000:
    1. H [15-35] Get My Results!
    2. H [15-35] What's in the Box?
  8. Revered 6,650/21,000:
    1. H [15-35] The Kun-Lai Expedition
    2. H [15-35] Ties with the Past
    3. H [15-35] Memory Wine
  9. Revered 10,650/21,000:
    1. H [15-35] The Ruins of Korune
    2. H [15-35] The Divine Bell
  10. Revered 14,500/21,000:
    1. H [15-35] Insertion
    2. H [15-35] The Darnassus Mission
    3. H [15-35] Victorious Return
  11. Revered 18,350/21,000:
    1. H [15-35] The Situation In Dalaran
    2. H [15-35] It Starts in the Sewers
    3. H [15-35] Violence in the Arena
    4. H [15-35] Hand of the Silver Covenant
    5. H [15-35] A Tactical Assault
    6. H [15-35] The Silver Covenant's Stronghold, H [15-35] The Kirin Tor's True Colors, H [15-35] Krasus' Landing
    7. H [15-35] The Remaining Sunreavers
    8. H [15-35] One Last Grasp
    9. H [15-35] A Return to Krasarang
  12. Exalted:
    1. H [15-35] The Bell Speaks
    2. H [15-35] Breath of Darkest Shadow

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