The Hozen Ravage
The Hozen Ravage is a wood-panel scroll found at [45.8, 61.9], leaning against the stone altar of a giant hozen idol on the northern end of the Dooker Dome, at the northwestern end of the Burlap Trail in central Kun-Lai Summit. Interacting with the scroll is one of the objectives of the Pandaria exploration achievement [Hozen in the Mist].
The hozen of the Kun-Lai mountains are unusually aggressive, even by hozen standards. Food and supplies are often scare in this hostile terrain. When times are hard, the hozen leadership may declare a "ravage" on nearby settlements.
During a ravage, every hozen strong enough to walk joins in on a massive swarm attack on nearby villages. In this way, they either acquire enough food to last the winter, or they lose enough of their weakest to ensure their current supplies are enough.
For years, the Shado-Pan and grummles have maintained an uneasy peace with the hozen in exchange for food tributes. Fear of the Shado-Pan keeps the local tribes in check... Usually.
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.