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AllianceThe Iron Thane and His Anvil
Start Raegar Breakbrow
End Raegar Breakbrow
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 26200 (or 15g 72s at 80)
Rewards Inv gauntlets 06 [Grounded Gloves], Inv shoulder 74 [Crackpot Spaulders], Inv boots chain 11 [Short-Circuiting Boots], or Inv pants plate 18 [Golem-Rider's Greaves]
11g 80s
Previous A [15-30] ... Or Maybe We Don't


Using the abilities of your War Golem, defeat Iron Thane Furyhammer, then return to Raegar Breakbrow at Prospector's Point.


Now that you've charged up your war golem, we're going to put all that energy to good use. Activate the golem inside Dun Argol to take control of it.

Our information about Dun Argol's leader, Iron Thane Furyhammer, suggests his bodyguard protects him from all harm.

That bodyguard is the construct he travels with, called The Anvil. Disable the construct, and his protection will disappear.

The thane stays in the building at the top of Dun Argol and supervises production from the bottom level.


You will be allowed to choose one of these rewards:

Inv gauntlets 06 [Grounded Gloves] Inv shoulder 74 [Crackpot Spaulders]
Inv boots chain 11 [Short-Circuiting Boots] Inv pants plate 18 [Golem-Rider's Greaves]

You will also receive: 11g 80s


Were you able to get past the iron thane's defenses?


It worked?

<Raegar clears his throat.>

I mean... of course it worked! This is incredible!

Years from now, Explorers' League initiates will hear the story of how Raegar Breakbrow, <name>, and some hunk o' junk golem defeated the thane of Dun Argol!


Use the Inv misc bag enchantedmageweave [Overseer Disguise Kit] from A [15-30] Put on Your Best Face for Loken to easily reach Furyhammer and the Dun Argol Power Core for A [15-30] Blackout.


  1. A [15-30] Check Up on Raegar
  2. A [15-30] The Perfect Plan
  3. A [15-30] Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
  4. A [15-30] We Have the Power
  5. A [15-30] ... Or Maybe We Don't
  6. A [15-30] The Iron Thane and His Anvil & A [15-30] Blackout

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