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AllianceLeague of Arathor
Trollbane Hall new
Trollbane Hall
Main leader IconSmall Human Male Radulf Leder[1]
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male Sir Maximus Adams
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Female Captain Nials
IconSmall Human Male Field Marshal Oslight
IconSmall Human Male Knight-Captain Aldrin
IconSmall Human Female Lady Hoteshem
IconSmall Human Male Keras Wolfheart
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome[2]
Capital Stromgarde Keep
Base of operations Refuge Point; Trollbane Hall
Theater of operations Arathi Highlands; Arathi Basin
Affiliation Kingdom of Stromgarde, Alliance
Status Active
Currency Honor point
Quartermaster IconSmall Human Male Samuel Hawke
Tabard League of Arathor Tabard

“The League of Arathor has sworn to retake Arathi for humans of Stromgarde and the Alliance. It is a battle hard fought, but a battle worth fighting.”

Field Marshal Oslight

The League of Arathor is an Alliance faction, consisting of the remnants of the kingdom of Stromgarde[3] who are locked in battle with the Forsaken Defilers over control of Arathi Basin. They are based out of Refuge Pointe in the Arathi Highlands.


World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

The League of Arathor fought the Defilers for control of Arathi Basin, intending to retake the area for the people of Stromgarde[4] and claim its resources to profit their benefactors in Stormwind—and, through them, the whole of the Alliance.[1][3]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

With Stromgarde's restoration, the League of Arathor played an active part during the Battle for Stromgarde, commanded by Danath Trollbane,[5] who was personally guarded by Stromgarde Knights wearing the tabard of the League. Captain Nials was placed in charge of defending Valorcall Pass, and Knights of Arathor patrol the region, summoning soldiers and riflemen to defend the pass.


Siege weaponry[]


Reputation is gained through participation in the Arathi Basin battleground. When you fight in Arathi Basin you earn 16 reputation each 260 resources (=6 ticks per win). On Arathi Basin holiday weekends the required resources is reduced to 200 (=8 ticks per win). Thus granting 96 rep per won Arathi Basin battle and 128 rep on holiday weekends.


  • Players that have exalted with League of Arathor, Silverwing Sentinels and Stormpike Guard receive the title of Justicar.
  • Rewards no longer require specific reputation levels since patch 2.0.1.
  • Before Mists of Pandaria, Field Marshal Onslight would offer players who had reached Exalted with League of Arathor a quest called "Control Five Bases". Upon completion of this quest (5 bases had to be captured, not just assaulted), they were rewarded with the "Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Arathor Battle Tabard]". Nowadays you simply buy the tabard for 10 Mark of Honor.
Samuel Hawke
<League of Arathor Supply Officer>
Item Cost Type
Inv misc food 09 [Highlander's Field Ration] 10s Consumable
Inv misc food 08 [Highlander's Iron Ration] 15s Consumable
Inv misc food 33 [Highlander's Enriched Ration] 20s Consumable
Inv misc bandage 02 [Highlander's Silk Bandage] 10s Bandage
Inv misc bandage 20 [Highlander's Mageweave Bandage] 15s Bandage
Inv misc bandage 12 [Highlander's Runecloth Bandage] 20s Bandage
Inv potion 39 [Superior Healing Draught] 5s 1 Honor Points Potion
Inv potion 81 [Superior Mana Draught] 5s 1 Honor Points Potion
Inv jewelry talisman 05 [Talisman of Arathor] (28) 25 Honor Points Trinket (absorb)
Inv jewelry talisman 05 [Talisman of Arathor] (38) 35 Honor Points Trinket (absorb)
Inv jewelry talisman 05 [Talisman of Arathor] (48) 45 Honor Points Trinket (absorb)
Inv jewelry talisman 05 [Talisman of Arathor] (58) 55 Honor Points Trinket (absorb)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Cloth Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Cloth Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Cloth Girdle] (38) 55 Honor Points Cloth Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Cloth Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Cloth Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Cloth Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Cloth Waist (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 07 [Highlander's Cloth Boots] (28) 45 Honor Points Cloth Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 07 [Highlander's Cloth Boots] (38) 55 Honor Points Cloth Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 07 [Highlander's Cloth Boots] (48) 75 Honor Points Cloth Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 07 [Highlander's Cloth Boots] (58) 85 Honor Points Cloth Feet (intellect)
Inv shoulder 24 [Highlander's Epaulets] 130 Honor Points Cloth Shoulder (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Lizardhide Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Lizardhide Girdle] (38) 55 Honor Points Leather Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Lizardhide Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Leather Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Lizardhide Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Leather Waist (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 04 [Highlander's Lizardhide Boots] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 04 [Highlander's Lizardhide Boots] (38) 55 Honor Points Leather Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 04 [Highlander's Lizardhide Boots] (48) 70 Honor Points Leather Feet (intellect)
Inv boots cloth 04 [Highlander's Lizardhide Boots] (58) 85 Honor Points Leather Feet (intellect)
Inv shoulder 24 [Highlander's Lizardhide Shoulders] 130 Honor Points Leather Shoulder (intellect)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Leather Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Waist (agility)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Leather Girdle] (38) 55 Honor Points Leather Waist (agility)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Leather Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Leather Waist (agility)
Inv belt 17 [Highlander's Leather Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Leather Waist (agility)
Inv boots cloth 05 [Highlander's Leather Boots] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Feet (agility)
Inv boots cloth 05 [Highlander's Leather Boots] (38) 55 Honor Points Leather Feet (agility)
Inv boots cloth 05 [Highlander's Leather Boots] (48) 70 Honor Points Leather Feet (agility)
Inv boots cloth 05 [Highlander's Leather Boots] (58) 85 Honor Points Leather Feet (agility)
Inv shoulder 24 [Highlander's Leather Shoulders] 130 Honor Points Leather Shoulder (agility)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Padded Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Waist (agility)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Chain Girdle] (40) 55 Honor Points Mail Waist (agility)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Chain Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Mail Waist (agility)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Chain Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Mail Waist (agility)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Padded Greaves] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Feet (agility)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Chain Greaves] (40) 55 Honor Points Mail Feet (agility)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Chain Greaves] (48) 70 Honor Points Mail Feet (agility)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Chain Greaves] (58) 85 Honor Points Mail Feet (agility)
Inv shoulder 01 [Highlander's Chain Pauldrons] 130 Honor Points Mail Shoulder (agility)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Mail Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Mail Girdle] (40) 55 Honor Points Mail Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Mail Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Mail Waist (intellect)
Inv belt 20 [Highlander's Mail Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Mail Waist (intellect)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Mail Greaves] (28) 45 Honor Points Leather Feet (intellect)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Mail Greaves] (40) 55 Honor Points Mail Feet (intellect)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Mail Greaves] (48) 70 Honor Points Mail Feet (intellect)
Inv boots chain 02 [Highlander's Mail Greaves] (58) 85 Honor Points Mail Feet (intellect)
Inv shoulder 19 [Highlander's Mail Pauldrons] 130 Honor Points Mail Shoulders (intellect)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Lamellar Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Mail Waist (paladin)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Lamellar Girdle] (40) 55 Honor Points Plate Waist (paladin)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Lamellar Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Plate Waist (paladin)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Lamellar Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Plate Waist (paladin)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Lamellar Greaves] (28) 45 Honor Points Mail Feet (paladin)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Lamellar Greaves] (40) 55 Honor Points Plate Feet (paladin)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Lamellar Greaves] (48) 70 Honor Points Plate Feet (paladin)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Lamellar Greaves] (58) 85 Honor Points Plate Feet (paladin)
Inv shoulder 01 [Highlander's Lamellar Spaulders] 130 Honor Points Plate Shoulder (paladin)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Mail Girdle] (28) 45 Honor Points Mail Waist (strength)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Plate Girdle] (40) 55 Honor Points Plate Waist (strength)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Plate Girdle] (48) 70 Honor Points Plate Waist (strength)
Inv belt 14 [Highlander's Plate Girdle] (58) 85 Honor Points Plate Waist (strength)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Mail Greaves] (28) 45 Honor Points Mail Feet (strength)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Plate Greaves] (40) 55 Honor Points Plate Feet (strength)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Plate Greaves] (48) 70 Honor Points Plate Feet (strength)
Inv boots plate 04 [Highlander's Plate Greaves] (58) 85 Honor Points Plate Feet (strength)
Inv shoulder 01 [Highlander's Plate Spaulders] 130 Honor Points Plate Shoulder (strength)
Inv misc cape 02 [Cloak of the Honor Guard] 85 Honor Points Cloak (agility)
Inv wand 04 [Ironbark Staff] 3 Mark of Honor Staff (crit)
Inv sword 13 [Sageclaw] 130 Honor Points Dagger (spell power)

Patch changes[]


External links[]
