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NeutralThe Librarian's Quandary
Scrollkeeper's Sanctum
Scrollkeeper's Sanctum
Start Elder Sage Rain-Zhu [58.1, 58.7]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
End Lorewalker Stonestep [56.3, 60.4]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 55000
Rewards 4g 90s
Previous N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
Next N [10-35] Moth-Ridden, N [10-35] Pages of History


Lorewalker Stonestep

Lorewalker Stonestep

Speak to Lorewalker Stonestep in the temple library.


Lorewalker Stonestep is in charge of the entire temple library. Lately, something has been troubling him and his work.

With thousands of ancient tomes to be transcribed, I can't afford to have him distracted.

Would you follow the path south to the library and see what ails him?


You will receive: 4g 90s


The Elder Sage Rain-Zhu sent you?

Very well. You shall help me.


  • 55000 XP


Pick up N [10-35] The Scryer's Dilemma, N [10-35] The Rider's Bind, and N [10-35] Lighting Up the Sky before heading out. Head south out of the Terrace of the Twin Dragons to the Scrollkeeper's Sanctum.


Optional breadcrumb: A [10-35] In Search of Wisdom / H [10-35] Dawn's Blossom

  1. N [10-35] Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  2. N [10-35] The Double Hozen Dare & N [10-35] Down Kitty!
  3. N [10-35] The Jade Witch
  4. N [10-35] All We Can Spare
  5. N [10-35] I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  6. N [10-35] Mann's Man
  7. N [10-35] Trapped!
  8. N [10-35] What's Mined Is Yours
  9. N [10-35] The Serpent's Heart
  10. N [10-35] Love's Labor
  11. N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  12. Complete all of:
    1. N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary
    2. N [10-35] Moth-Ridden & N [10-35] Pages of History
    3. N [10-35] Everything In Its Place
  13. N [10-35] The Jade Serpent

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